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Size-resolved Chemical Composition of Cloud and Rain Water Collected during the Puerto Rico African Dust and Clouds Study (PRADACS) Campaign In 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU. San Francisco, Calif., 2010.
Effect of exotic grass Megathyrsus maximus on soil mites fauna in Mona Island Reserve In CATEC Symposium. San Juan, PR, 2009.
The Impact of Transport on the Physico-Chemical Properties of Caribbean Aerosols: African Dust and Pollution from North America In IGAC SSC Meeting. Kyoto, Japan: Kyoto University, 2009.
Pollinator communities of Guaiacum sanctum (Zygophylaceae) In Ecological Society of America. Albuquerque, NM, 2009.
Response of soil nematode communities to tree girdling in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest of southwest China." Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (2009): 877-882.
"Soil mono- and disaccharides and amino acids as influenced by plant litter and root processes in a subtropical moist forest of Southwest China." Biogeochemistry 92 (2009): 119-128.
"Spatial distribution, connectivity, and the influence of scale: habitat availability for the endangered Mona Island rock iguana." Biodiversity and Conservation 18 (2009): 905-917.