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Associations between Soil Variables and Vegetation Structure and Composition of Caribbean Dry Forests." Caribbean Naturalist (In Press).
"Does the long-range transport of African mineral dust across the Atlantic enhance their hygroscopicity? ." Geophysical Research Letters (In Press).
"Emerging synthesis themes from the study of a tropical city." Ecology and Society (In Press).
"In search of an adaptive social-ecological approach to understanding a tropical city." Acta Científica (In Press).
"Plant species diversity of residential yards across a tropical watershed: implications for urban sustainability." Ecology and Society (In Press).
"An analysis of US Army Corps of Engineers documents supporting the channelization of the Río Piedras." Acta Científica (2015).
"Cascading Effects of Canopy Opening and Debris Deposition from a Large-Scale Hurricane Experiment in a Tropical Rain Forest." BIOSCIENCE 65, no. 9 (2015): 871-881.
"Characterization of nutrients wet deposition under influence of Saharan dust at Puerto-Rico in Caribbean Sea In General Assembly, EGU. Vienna, Austria, 2015.
Colores para la enseñanza del código genético (Colors for teaching the genetic code)." El Sol Journal 1, no. 56 (2015).
"Diversity enhances carbon storage in tropical forests." Global Ecology and Biogeography 24, no. 11 (2015): 1314-1328.
"Diversity enhances carbon storage in tropical forests." Global Ecology and Biogeography 24, no. 11 (2015): 1314-1328.
"Diversity enhances carbon storage in tropical forests." Global Ecology and Biogeography 24, no. 11 (2015): 1314-1328.
"Does the long-range transport of African mineral dust across the Atlantic enhance their hygroscopicity? In General Assembly, EGU. Vienna, Austria, 2015.
Environmental Heterogeneity Underlies the Maya Forest In Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Chicago, Illinois, 2015.
Modeling of intercontinental Saharan dust transport: What consequences on atmospheric concentrations and deposition fluxes in the Caribbean? In General Assembly, EGU. Vienna, Austria, 2015.
Ontogenetic shifts in trait-mediated mechanisms of plant community assembly." Ecology 96, no. 8 (2015): 2157-2169.
"Ontogenetic shifts in trait-mediated mechanisms of plant community assembly." Ecology 96, no. 8 (2015): 2157-2169.
"Research Needs in the Maya Forest In Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Chicago, Illinois, 2015.
Size distribution and optical properties of long-range transported African dust In General Assembly, EGU. Vienna, Austria, 2015.
Urban Green Infrastructure and Relevance to Sustainability Science In Klumb House Seminar. School of Architecture UPRRP, 2015.