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Melendez, J., N. Quinones, G. Gervais, K. Griebenow, and L. Roberson. Habitat and feasibility mapping for the determination of optimal algal biomass mariculture sites in coastal areas of Puerto Rico In 3rd Conference on the planning and management of marine spaces. Puerto Rico Departament of Natural and Environmental Resources, San Juan, PR, 2012.
Melendez, J., N. Quinones-Vilches, A. Rodriguez, K. Ruiz, G. Gervais, L. Roberson, and K. Griebenow. Habitat and Biodiversity Mapping for the Determination of Algal Biomass Aquaculture Sites in the Coastal Areas of Puerto Rico In La novena reunión nacional de Percepción Remota y Sistemas de Información Geográfica (PRYSIG). University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus, Puerto Rico: COHEMIS, 2011.