Annual variation in persistent organic compounds in the San Juan Bay Estuary In 2015 JR Tech/PRISM Annual Meeting. Río Piedras: UPR, 2015.
Annual variation in the presence and distribution of phthalates in the San Juan Bay estuary In 2015 JR Tech/PRISM Annual Meeting. Rio Piedras: UPR, 2015.
Annual variation in the presence of contaminants of emerging concern in the San Juan Bay estuary In 2015 JR Tech/PRISM Annual Meeting. Rio Piedras: UPR, 2015.
Uptake of contaminants of emerging concern in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus In PRCEN Annual Retreat., 2015.
Habitat and Biodiversity Mapping for the Determination of Algal Biomass Aquaculture Sites in the Coastal Areas of Puerto Rico In La novena reunión nacional de Percepción Remota y Sistemas de Información Geográfica (PRYSIG). University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus, Puerto Rico: COHEMIS, 2011.