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Iriarte, M. Wind Power., 1982.
Ortiz-Carrión, B. "Water Cycle and waste management." Puerto Rico, 2013.
Fidalgo-DeSouza, LL. "Waterbird Community Assessment of the San Juan Bay Estuary Program in Puerto Rico, USA." In 37th Waterbird Society Meeting and International Wander Group Conference . Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 2013.
Cartagena-Colón, M. The Watershed Academy Web-Based Training Program Certificate In United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Puerto Rico, 2013.
Alvarez-Berríos, N L.. "Woody cover changes between 2001 and 2010 due to gold mining expansion in Latin America and the Caribbean (poster)." In ATBC-OTS Meeting 2013 – Association for Tropical Biology. San José, Costa Rica, 2013.
Sánchez-García, M J.. "Worked assisting in field sample collection of Coral Porites astreoides larvae for RNA analysis, collection of adult corals for zooxanthellae counts and, collection and preparation of macro algae for lipid, carbohydrate and pigment extraction with GC-MS." Puerto Rico, 2013.
Villanueva-Cubero, L. "Worked with the Coalition for the Northeast Ecological Corridor on the draft for a Co-Management Plan for the Northeast Ecological Corridor Nature Reserve, organized a series of informative forums for the local and academic community, and organized non-pr." Puerto Rico, 2013.
Nytch, C J.. "Working Group 2: Ecology and Biodiversity. In Puerto Rico’s state of the climate 2010-2013: Assessing Puerto Rico’s social-ecological vulnerabilities in a changing climate." In Puerto Rico Coastal Zone Management Program, Department of Natural and Environmental Resources. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2013.
Jacobs, KR., L Carrubba, and E Díaz. "Working Group 2 Report: Ecology and Biodiversity." In Puerto Rico’s State of the Climate 2010-2013: Assessing Puerto Rico’s Social-Ecological Vulnerabilities in a Changing Climate., 85-250. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico Coastal Zone Management Program, Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, 2013.
