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Emerging synthesis themes from the study of a tropical city." Ecology and Society (In Press).
"In search of an adaptive social-ecological approach to understanding a tropical city." Acta Científica (In Press).
"Co-production of knowledge-action systems in urban sustainable governance: the KASA approach." Environmental Science and Policy 37, no. 182 (2014).
"Knowledge to Serve the City: Insights from an Emerging Knowledge-Action Network to Address Vulnerability and Sustainability in San Juan, Puerto Rico." Cities and the Environment 7, no. 1 (2014).
"Knowledge to Serve the City: Insights from an Emerging Knowledge-Action Network to Address Vulnerability and Sustainability in San Juan, Puerto Rico." Cities and the Environment 7, no. 1 (2014).
"Multiple pathways to sustainability in the city: the case of San Juan, Puerto Rico." Ecology and Society (2014).
"How cities think: knowledge-action systems analysis for urban sustainable governance in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Arizona State University, 2012.