DES Grants List

Award Number Program Agency Acronym Program Agency Name Award Abstract Agency's Award Title Start Date Closing Datesort descending Effective Date Original Awarded Amount Awarded Amount to Date Multi-Institutional Award Status Award_URL(s) Awarded Amount to Date Original Awarded Amount Number of Institutions Award Type
1122325 NSF Programs, NSF-LTREB POP & COMMUNITY ECOL PROG Flowering, seed production, and seedling establishment of tropical forest plants vary tremendously in time and space, contributing to the rich diversity that characterizes tropical forests. This long-term study quantifies this variation in three Neotropical forests in Puerto Rico, Ecuador, and... more Collaborative Research: LTREB RENEWAL - Long-term studies of flowering, fruiting and seedling recruitment in Neotropical forests: global change, climate variability and mechanisms Thursday, September 1, 2011
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
204 716.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Sunday, August 11, 2013
  1. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  2. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  3. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  4. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
204 716.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Sunday, August 11, 2013
841338 NSF Programs, NSF-GK12 IGERT FULL PROPOSALS, GRAD TEACHING FELLOW IN K-12ED, GRAD TEACHING FELLOWS IN K-12, EXP PROG TO STIM COMP RES This GK-12 project builds a strategic interdisciplinary partnership between the University of Puerto Rico?s Institute of Tropical Ecosystem Studies and Institute for Functional Nanomaterials, which together provide doctoral research projects to over eighty PhD students in chemistry, biology,... more From Hectares to Nanometers: GK-12 Multidisciplinary Explorations of Functional Nanoscience and Tropical Ecosystems Friday, May 15, 2009
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
2 549 295.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Friday, September 18, 2015
  1. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  2. Person: 
    Elvia Meléndez Ackerman
    Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  3. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  4. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  5. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  6. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  7. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  8. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role:
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
2 549 295.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Friday, September 18, 2015
single institution
APN Programs, APN_XTBG-Cooperation Program Impact of rubber plantation on temperature sensitivities of soil respiration in tropics The project is the first cooperation program since XTBG respectively signed cooperation agreement with Laos and Vietnam in 2007 and 2006. By setting up plots in Xishuangbanna, Laos and Vietnam, the project is aimed to answer questions concerning how rubber plantation changed the temperature... more Impact of rubber plantation on temperature sensitivities of soil respiration in tropics Thursday, January 1, 2009 70 000.00
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
70 000.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Thursday, February 12, 2009
  1. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
70 000.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Thursday, February 12, 2009
70 000.00 multi-institutional
1137725 NSF Programs, NSF-CREST, NSF-CREST-PRCEN CENTERS FOR RSCH EXCELL IN S&T Human activities are altering the environment at an alarming rate. A multidisciplinary approach is essential to understand the complex interplay between molecular, cellular, and behavioral responses by organisms under these increasingly stressful conditions. The nervous system is the interface... more Puerto Rico Center for Environmental Neuroscience Thursday, September 1, 2011
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
4 985 003.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Monday, June 15, 2015
  1. Person: 
    Loretta Roberson
    Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  2. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  3. Person: 
    Alonso Ramírez
    Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  4. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  5. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  6. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  7. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  8. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  9. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  10. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  11. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  12. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  13. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  14. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  15. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
4 985 003.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Monday, June 15, 2015
1546686 NSF Programs, NSF-LTER, NSF-LTER5b National Science Foundation This long-term research project in Puerto Rico integrates research, educational activities, and outreach to broad audiences through examination of responses of wet tropical forests to disturbances. Development of strategies to manage and conserve tropical forested ecosystems globally depends... more LTER 5b: Understanding Ecosystem Change in Northeastern Puerto Rico Friday, April 1, 2016 Friday, April 1, 2016 1 501 888.00
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
1 501 888.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Friday, March 25, 2016
  1. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  2. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  3. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  4. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  5. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  6. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  7. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  8. Person: 
    Alonso Ramírez
    Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
1 501 888.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Friday, March 25, 2016
1 501 888.00 multi-institutional
Q01511 USDA Programs USDA Forest Service Preparing Students for Career Paths with the USDA Forest Service by Linking Students Success with Experimental Learning Opportunities in Forest Management and Climate Change Ecology (USDA Natural Resources Career Tracks) Thursday, September 1, 2011 1 395 372.00
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
1 395 372.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
1 395 372.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Thursday, September 1, 2011
1 395 372.00 single institution
DFE-MDC Department of Federal Education Miami Dade College (MDC)
  1. Person: 
    Loretta Roberson
    Administrative/Scientific Role: 
single institution
NSF Programs, NSF-IGERT National Science Foundation Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT)
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Saturday, July 9, 2016
single institution
14JV11120101018 USDA Programs, USDA FS, USDA FS IITF JOINT VENTURE AGRREMENT JOINT VENTURE AGREEEMENT Conduct a study in the Guayama Experimental Forest regarding fire disturbance history using 14-C dating of charcoals in soils Natural fire history, historical drought stress, and tree species composition in the Guayama subtropical dry forest of Puerto Rico Friday, September 12, 2014 Friday, September 12, 2014 101 327.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
  1. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  2. Person: 
    Xiaoming Zou
    Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  3. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
101 327.00 multi-institutional
USDS Programs, USDS-Fulbright Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Exchange Programs J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB) Monday, March 28, 2016 Monday, March 28, 2016
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Sunday, August 28, 2016
  1. Person: 
    Rafael Rios
    Administrative/Scientific Role:…
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Sunday, August 28, 2016
single institution
USDA Programs USDA Forest Service Program
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Sunday, August 28, 2016
single institution
0948507 NSF Programs, NSF-ULTRA-Ex Long Term Ecological Research Large cities have a disproportionate influence on environmental conditions from local to global scales because to support large human populations and high living standards, they must import enormous quantities of energy, food, and materials. Cities are also the foci of human interactions and... more ULTRA-Ex: Social-Ecological System Change, Vulnerability, and the Future of a Tropical City Wednesday, September 15, 2010 300 000.00
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
300 000.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Friday, February 28, 2014
  1. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  2. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  3. Person: 
    Elvia Meléndez Ackerman
    Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  4. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  5. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
300 000.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Friday, February 28, 2014
300 000.00 multi-institutional
620910 NSF Programs, NSF-LTER, NSF-LTER4 ECOSYSTEM STUDIES, LONG TERM ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, ENVIR SOCIAL & BEHAVIOR SCIENC, COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH The Luquillo Long-Term Ecological Research Program (LUQ) focuses on understanding factors driving long-term change in tropical forest ecosystems in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. Building on an earlier emphasis on natural disturbances (hurricanes, landslides, droughts, floods) and ecosystem... more Luquillo LTER Program 4: Understanding Change in the Ecosystems of Northeastern Puerto Rico Wednesday, January 17, 2007 Friday, March 4, 2016 Thursday, March 3, 2016 5 000 000.00
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
5 535 663.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Monday, November 30, 2015
  1. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  2. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  3. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  4. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
5 535 663.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Monday, November 30, 2015
5 000 000.00 multi-institutional
1239764 NSF Programs, NSF-LTER, NSF-LTER5a ECOSYSTEM STUDIES, LONG TERM ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, ENVIR SOCIAL & BEHAVIOR SCIENC, COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH The Luquillo Long-Term Ecological Research Program (LUQ) integrates research and educational activities through a focus on two great challenges confronting society in the 21st Century: climate change and land use change. The goal is to understand: 1) how the environment of northeast Puerto Rico is... more LTER 5a: Understanding Environmental Change in Northeast Puerto Rico Wednesday, January 1, 2014 Friday, March 4, 2016 Monday, August 10, 2015 2 010 000.00
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
2 010 000.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Monday, August 10, 2015
  1. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  2. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  3. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  4. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  5. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  6. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  7. Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
  8. Person: 
    Alonso Ramírez
    Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
Total Awarded Amount to Date: 
2 010 000.00
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Monday, August 10, 2015
2 010 000.00 multi-institutional
NSF Programs, NSF-GRFP NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Sunday, August 28, 2016
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Date of Total Awarded Amount: 
Sunday, August 28, 2016
single institution
2014-000745-B NSF Programs, NSF-CREST, NSF-CREST-PRCEN National Science Foundation NSF CREST: Puerto Rico Center for Environmental Neuroscience (PRCEN) Wednesday, August 31, 2016
  1. Person: 
    Loretta Roberson
    Administrative/Scientific Role: 
    Multi-Institutional Award Professor Role: 
sub-awardee multi-institutional