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Conference Proceedings
Vila, C., Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman, R. Santiago, Diana C. García-Montiel, L. Lastra, and C. Figuerola. Plant diversity of residential yards across the Río Piedras watershed In PR Interdisicplinary Science Meeting (PRISM). UPR Carolina , 2012.
Journal Article
García-Montiel, Diana C., J. C. Verdejo-Ortíz, R. Santiago-Bartolomei, C.P. Vila-Ruiz, L. Santiago, and Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman. "Food sources and accessibility and waste disposal patterns across an urban tropical watershed: implications for the flow of materials and energy." Ecology and Society 19, no. 1 (2014): 37.
García-Montiel, Diana C., Julio C. Verdejo-Ortiz, Raul Santiago-Bartolomei, Cristina P. Vila-Ruiz, Luis Santiago, and Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman. "Food Sources and Accessibility and Waste Disposal Patterns across an Urban Tropical Watershed: Implications for the Flow of Materials and Energy." Ecology and Society 19, no. 1 (2014).
García-Montiel, Diana C., J. Verdejo-Ortíz, R. Santiago-Bartolomei, C. Vila, L. Santiago, and Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman. "Food sources and accessibility and waste disposal patterns across an urban tropical watershed, implications for the flow of materials and energy." Ecology and Society 19, no. 1 (2014): 37.
Muñoz-Erickson, T.A., A.E. Lugo, Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman, L.E. Santiago-Acevedo, J. Seguinot-Barbosa, P. Méndez-Lázaro, M. Hall, B. Quintero, A. Ramírez, Diana C. García-Montiel et al. "Knowledge to Serve the City: Insights from an Emerging Knowledge-Action Network to Address Vulnerability and Sustainability in San Juan, Puerto Rico." Cities and the Environment 7, no. 1 (2014).
Muñoz-Erickson, T.A., A.E. Lugo, E. J. Meléndez-Ackerman, L.E. Santiago-Acevedo, J. Seguinot-Barbosa, P. Méndez-Lázaro, M. Hall, B. Quintero, A. Ramírez, D.C. García-Montiel et al. "Knowledge to Serve the City: Insights from an Emerging Knowledge-Action Network to Address Vulnerability and Sustainability in San Juan, Puerto Rico." Cities and the Environment 7, no. 1 (2014).
Brokaw, N., A.B. Shiels, J K. Zimmerman, Diana C. García-Montiel, I. Jonckheere, J. Holm, and D. Horton. "Plant responses to simulated hurricane impacts in a subtropical wet forest, Puerto Rico." Journal of Ecology 98 (2010): 659-673.
Vila, C., Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman, R. Santiago-Bartolomei, Diana C. García-Montiel, L. Lastra, C. Figueroa, and J. Fumero. "Plant species diversity of residential yards across a tropical watershed: implications for urban sustainability." Ecology and Society (In Press).
Vila-Ruiz, Cristina P., Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman, Raul Santiago-Bartolomei, Diana C. García-Montiel, Lourdes Lastra, Cielo E. Figuerola, and Jose Fumero-Caban. "Plant species richness and abundance in residential yards across a tropical watershed: implications for urban sustainability." Ecology and Society 19, no. 3 (2014).
Vila-Ruiz, Cristina P., Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman, R. Santiago-Bartolomei, Diana C. García-Montiel, L. Lastra, C.E. Figueroa, and J. Fumero-Caban. "Plant species richness and abundance of residential yards across a tropical watershed: implications for urban sustainability." Ecology and Society 19, no. 3 (2014).
Melendez-Ackerman, Elvia J., R. Santiago-Bartolomei, C. Vila, L. Santiago, J. Verdejo-Ortíz, Diana C. García-Montiel, H. Manrique, and E. Hernández-Calo. "Social-economic drivers of yard sustainable practices in a tropical city: testing generality of bottom up vs. top down drivers." Ecology and Society (In Press).
Melendez-Ackerman, Elvia J., Raul Santiago-Bartolomei, Cristina P. Vila-Ruiz, Luis E. Santiago, Diana C. García-Montiel, Julio C. Verdejo-Ortiz, Harold Manrique-Hernández, and Eduardo Hernández-Calo. "Socioeconomic drivers of yard sustainable practices in a tropical city." Ecology and Society 19, no. 3 (2014).
Melendez-Ackerman, Elvia J., R. Santiago-Bartolomei, C.P. Vila-Ruiz, L. Santiago, Diana C. García-Montiel, J. Verdejo-Ortíz, H. Manrique-Hernández, and E. Hernández-Calo. "Socio-economic drivers of yard sustainable practices in a tropical city." Ecology and Society 19, no. 3 (2014): 20.
Santiago, L., J. C. Verdejo-Ortíz, R. Santiago-Bartolomei, Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman, and Diana C. García-Montiel. "Uneven access and uderutilization of ecological amenities in urban parks of the Rio Piedras Watershed." Ecology and Society 19, no. 1 (2010).
Santiago, L. E., J. C. Verdejo-Ortíz, R. Santiago-Bartolomei, Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman, and Diana C. García-Montiel. "Uneven access and underuse of ecological amenities in urban parks of the Río Piedras watershed." Ecology and Society 19, no. 1 (2014): 26.
Santiago, Luis E., Julio C. Verdejo Ortiz, Raul Santiago-Bartolomei, Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman, and Diana C. García-Montiel. "Uneven Access and Underuse of Ecological Amenities in Urban Parks of the Río Piedras Watershed." Ecology and Society 19, no. 1 (2014).