Found 16 results
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¿Qué tan estables son los ensamblajes de macroinvertebrados de las quebradas tropicales? In Primer Congreso Latino Americano de Macroinvertebrados Acuáticos. San José, Costa Rica, 2012.
The neotropical damselfly genus Cora: New larval descriptions and a comparative analysis of larvae of known species (Odonata: Polythoridae)." International Journal of Odonatology 14, no. 3 (2011): 249-256.
"The neotropical damselfly genus Cora: New larval descriptions and a comparative analysis of larvae of known species (Odonata: Polythoridae)." International Journal of Odonatology 14, no. 3 (2011): 249-256.
"The neotropical damsefly genus Cora: new larval descriptions and a comparative analysis of known species (Zygoptera: Polythoridae) In 6th meeting of the Word Dragonfly Association. Xalapa, Mexico, 2009.
Long-term patterns of aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in lowland neotropical streams In Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. San José, Costa Rica, 2013.
Long-term ecological research in lowland streams in Costa Rica: The importance of groundwater-surface water interactions on ecosystem dynamics In Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. San José, Costa Rica, 2013.
Insights from a 25+ year dataset in lowland Costa Rica: Effects of hydrologic connectivity from the mountains to the sea on stream ecosystems of an inland protected area In Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Baltimore, 2015.
Importance of long-term sampling in the assessment of tropical stream biodiversity In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Louisville, KY, 2012.
Food webs topology and biomass flow in a tropical urban stream In Join Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR, 2014.
Food webs topology and biomass flow in a tropical urban stream In Join Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR, 2014.
Estudios sobre macroinvertebrados acuáticos en América Latina: avances recientes y direcciones futuras In 2ndo Congreso Latino Americano de Macroinvertebrados de Agua Dulce. Queretaro, Mexico, 2014.
Dinámica a largo plazo de las variables fisicoquímicas y sus efectos sobre la estructura y composición del ensamblaje de macroinvertebrados en ríos de zonas bajas en Costa Rica In 2ndo Congreso Latino Americano de Macroinvertebrados de Agua Dulce. Queretaro, Mexico, 2014.
Climate-driven acidification in lowland Neotropical streams: Insights from a 25-year dataset on ground water - surface water interactions In Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
Assessing macroinvertebrate growth rates in the Rio Piedras, a tropical urban stream, Puerto Rico In Join Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR, 2014.
Assessing macroinvertebrate growth rates in the Rio Piedras, a tropical urban stream, Puerto Rico In Join Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR, 2014.
Alta similitud interespecífica en larvas de Odonata: el caso de Cora (Polythoridae) y Heteragrion (Megapodagrionidae) In Primer Congreso Latino Americano de Macroinvertebrados Acuáticos. San José, Costa Rica, 2012.