Costa Rica Tropical Biology: An Ecological Approach Program." Puerto Rico, 2014.
"Ecosystem services by urban green infrastructure in residential yards in a tropical city: Integrating information on social drivers, green infrastructure management and ecosystem assessment tools." In 35th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Meeting / 50th Junior Tech Meeting. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2015.
"Environmental Quality Inspector." Puerto Rico, 2012.
"How do people get their yard plants?" In Iniciativas de Investigación y Actividad Creativa Subgraduada. Hotel Condado Plaza, San Juan, PR: Segundo Encuentro Sub-graduado de Investigación y Creación (SESIC), 2014.
"How do people get their years plants?" In 34th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting. University of Puerto Rico, Cayey Campus: 49th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, 2014.
"Local Perceptions on Residential Green Infrastructure within the Río Piedras Watershed." In 3rd Student Conference for Graduate Investigation, Office of the Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, University of Puerto Rico. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2014.
"Local Perceptions on Residential Green Infrastructure within the Río Piedras Watershed." In 2013 Annual Meeting: Developing the CLCC Strategic Conservation Framework, Caribbean Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Puerto Rico, 2014.
"Local Perceptions on Residential Green Infrastructure within the Rio Piedras Watershed." In C4SI3: Ecosystem Services for Sustainability. Third Conference for Sustainability IGERTs. Portland, Oregon, USA, 2013.
"Local perceptions on residential green infrastructure within the Rio Piedras Watershed." In Caribbean Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Isla Verde, PR: Annual Meeting: Developing the CLCC Strategic Conservation Framework, 2013.
"Local Perceptions on Residential Green Infrastructure within the Río Piedras Watershed." In 2013 Annual Meeting: Developing the CLCC Strategic Conservation Framework, Caribbean Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Puerto Rico, 2013.
"Local perceptions on residential green infrastructure within the Rio Piedras Watershed." In Third Conference for Sustainability IGERTs. Portland, Oregon: C4I3: Ecosystem Services for Sustainability, 2013.
"Market value of food grown in Rio Piedras Watershed residential yards." In My Sustainable Campus - Science for Sustainability: a celebration of knowledge and action. University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, 2014.
"Scientific consultant GK-12 Fellow." Puerto Rico, 2014.
"Teaching assistant for Principles of Ecology." Puerto Rico, 2014.
"Tree functional traits approach to assess ecosystem services." In FUNCiTree Final Conference: The role of functional diversity for ecosystem services in multi-functional agroforestry. Norway, 2013.
"Tree functional traits approach to assess ecosystem services. VII Henry A." In Wallace/CATIE Inter-American Scientific Conference Series: Climate-smart territories in the tropics: Production, mitigation and adaptation for improved wellbeing. Costa Rica, 2013.
"How do people get their yard plants? Plants sources in a urban environment In 49th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, 34th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting. University of Puerto Rico, Cayey Campus, 2014.
An Interdisciplinary Challenge: The Rivas Case Study In National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC). Universidad de Puerto Rico Rio Piedras , 2014.
An Interdisicplinary Challenge: The Rivas Case Study (Case Study #13) In Teaching module developed through workshop: Teaching Socio-Environmental Synthesis through case studies., 2013.
Local Perceptions on Residential Green Infrastructure within the Rio Piedras Watershed In 2013 Annual Meeting: Developing the CLCC Strategic Conservation Framework. Isla Verde, PR: Caribbean Landscape Conservation Cooperative, 2013.