
Found 1309 results
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Bonnet, JA. El problema de la industria de la caña de azúcar (Missing pages: 14-22)., 1981.
Borrmann, S., and O. L. Mayol-Bracero. "Teen’s University in Puerto Rico: Atmospheric Sciences for Teenagers." Revista El Coqui, Colegio de Quimicos de PR octubre-diciembre (2013).
Boyero, L., R.G. Pearson, M.O. Gessner, L.A. Barmuta, V. Ferreira, M.A.S. Graça, D. Dudgeon, A J. Boulton, M. Callisto, E. Chauvet et al. "A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but may reduce carbon sequestration." Ecology Letters 14 (2011): 289-294.
Boyero, L., R. Pearson, D. Dudgeon, M. Graca, M. Gessner, RJ Albarino, V. Ferreira, CM Yule, AJ Boulton, M. Arunachalam et al. "Global distribution of a key trophic guild contrasts with common latitudinal diversity patterns." Ecology 92 (2012): 1839-1848.
Boyero, L., R.G. Pearson, M.O. Gessner, D. Dudgeon, A. Ramírez, C.M. Yule, M. Callisto, C.M. Pringle, A. C. Encalada, M. Arunachalam et al. "Leaf-litter breakdown in tropical streams: is variability the norm?" Freshwater Science 34, no. 2 (2015): 759-769.
Boyero, L., R.G. Pearson, M.O. Gessner, L.A. Barmuta, V. Ferreira, M.A.S. Graça, D. Dudgeon, A J. Boulton, M. Callisto, E. Chauvet et al. "A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but may reduce carbon sequestration." Ecology Letters 14 (2011): 289-294.
Boyero, L., R.G. Pearson, D. Dudgeon, V. Ferreira, M.A.S. Graça, M.O. Gessner, AJ Boulton, E. Chauvet, C.M. Yule, R J. Albariño et al. "Global patterns of distribution in stream detritivores: implications for biodiversity loss in changing climates." Global Ecology and Biogeography 21, no. 2 (2011): 134-141.
Braun, J., and O. L. Mayol-Bracero. Pan American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) on Atmospheric Processes of Latin America and the Caribbean: Observations, Analysis, and Impacts In IGAC Newsletter., 2013.
Brokaw, N., M. Cortes-Rincon, S. Walling, S. Luzzadder-Beach, C. Doyle, T. Beach, F. Valdez, and J. Pagán. The Ancient Maya and the Modern Forest. Georgetown University; Washington, DC, 2010.
Brokaw, N., S. Ward, M. Cortes-Rincon, S. Walling, S. Luzzadder-Beach, C. Doyle, T. Beach, F. Valdez, and J. Pagán. The Ancient Maya and the Modern Forest. University of Central Florida; Orlando, Florida, 2011.
Brokaw, N., S. Ward, M. Cortes-Rincon, S. Walling, S. Luzzadder-Beach, T. Beach, F. Valdez, and J. Pagán. The Ancient Maya and the Modern Forest In Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Los Angeles, California, 2013.
Brokaw, N., S. Ward, M. Cortes-Rincon, S. Walling, S. Luzzadder-Beach, C. Doyle, T. Beach, and J. Pagán. The Ancient Maya and the Modern Forest In Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Sacramento, California, 2011.
Brokaw, N., S. Ward, M. Cortes-Rincon, S. Walling, S. Luzzadder-Beach, C. Doyle, T. Beach, F. Valdez, and J. Pagán. The Ancient Maya and the Modern Forest In Internation Union of Forestry Reseach Organizations. Salt Lake City, Utah, 2014.
Brokaw, N., A.B. Shiels, J K. Zimmerman, Diana C. García-Montiel, I. Jonckheere, J. Holm, and D. Horton. "Plant responses to simulated hurricane impacts in a subtropical wet forest, Puerto Rico." Journal of Ecology 98 (2010): 659-673.
Brokaw, N., S. Ward, M. Cortes-Rincon, S. Walling, S. Luzzadder-Beach, C. Doyle, T. Beach, F. Valdez, and J. Pagán. Long-Term Change in the Maya forest: Human-Environment Interactions In Conference on Forest Management. Chetumal, Mexico, 2013.
Brokaw, N., and A. Herrera-Montes. "Conservation value of tropical secondary forest: a herpetofaunal perspective." Biological Conservation 143 (2010): 1414-1422.
Brokaw, N., and S. E. Ward. "Vegetation." In Encyclopedia of the Ancient Maya, edited by W. R. T. Witschey. Walnut Creek, California: AltaMira Press, In Press.
Brokaw, N., and W. F. Laurance. "Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas." Nature 489 (2012): 290-294.
Brokaw, N., T. A. Crowl, A. E. Lugo, William H. McDowell, F. N. Scatena, R. B. Waide, and M. R. Willig. A Caribbean Forest Tapestry: The Multidimensional Nature of Disturbance and Response. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Brokaw, N., J K. Zimmerman, G. Camilo, A. Covich, T. Crowl, N. Fetcher, M. Gannon, B. Haines, D J. Lodge, A. Lugo et al. "Response to disturbance." In A Caribbean Forest Tapestry: The Multidimensional Nature of Disturbance and Response. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2012.
