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Breeding system and pollination of Gesneria pauciflora a threatened caribbean species: Brief island reproductive syndrome analysis in Gesneriaceae species In XXIX Symposium of Flora and Fauna from the Caribbean., 2014.
Biodiversity Conservation in Cities and Links to Sustainability In Sustainability Science Class (CIAM 8405), Environmental Sciences Graduate Program. University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras , 2012.
Arthropod diversity in caves with moderate and high anthropogenic presence In CATEC Symposium. San Juan, PR, 2009.
Local perceptions on residential green infrastructure within the Rio Piedras Watershed." In Caribbean Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Isla Verde, PR: Annual Meeting: Developing the CLCC Strategic Conservation Framework, 2013.
"Local perceptions on residential green infrastructure within the Rio Piedras Watershed." In Third Conference for Sustainability IGERTs. Portland, Oregon: C4I3: Ecosystem Services for Sustainability, 2013.
"How do people get their years plants?" In 34th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting. University of Puerto Rico, Cayey Campus: 49th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, 2014.
"How do people get their yard plants?" In Iniciativas de Investigación y Actividad Creativa Subgraduada. Hotel Condado Plaza, San Juan, PR: Segundo Encuentro Sub-graduado de Investigación y Creación (SESIC), 2014.
"Professional Training and Graduate Education needs in Warfare Ecology." In Warfare Ecology: A New Synthesis for Peace and Security. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security., 2011.
"Facilities." In Luquillo Experimental Forest: Research History and Opportunities, 127-128. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2013.
"Education and Outreach." In Luquillo Experimental Forest: Research History and Opportunities, 125-126., 2013.