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Conference Proceedings
Rodriguez-ortiz, N. M., J. M. Walteros-Rodríguez, C. Ramos, and A. Ramírez. Participative biomonitoring in Latin America: new tools and opportunities In Annual meeting of the Association for Science in Limnology and Oceanography. Spain, 2015.
Colón-Gaud, J C., A. Ramírez, K. Rosas, and P. Olaya. Organic matter dynamics in tropical island streams: allochthonous inputs, particulate exports and benthic standing stocks In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Louisville, KY, 2012.
Ramírez, A., and P.E. Gutiérrez-Fonseca. Odonata of Puerto Rico: an updated list and historical records In International Congress of Odonatology. La Plata, Argentina, 2015.
Martinó-Cardona, D.M., and A. Ramírez. Nitrogen-enriched food webs in tropical urban streams, Puerto Rico In American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2011.
Ramírez, A., P. Gutiérrez-Fonseca, and M. Springer. The neotropical damsefly genus Cora: new larval descriptions and a comparative analysis of known species (Zygoptera: Polythoridae) In 6th meeting of the Word Dragonfly Association. Xalapa, Mexico, 2009.
Gutiérrez-Fonseca, P.E., A. Ramírez, and Sánchez J. Ruiz. Natural history of Telebasis vulnerata (Hagen, 1861) (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) in Puerto Rico In International Congress of Odonatology. La Plata, Argentina, 2015.
Novelo-Gutiérrez, R., G. Vázquez, and A. Ramírez. Mayfly diets on montane cloud forest streams in Mexico In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Louisville, KY, 2012.
Wagner, K. M., and A. Ramírez. Macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages in a tropical urban watershed, Puerto Rico In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Louisville, KY, 2012.
Negroni-Miranda, A., C. Shea, P.J. Torres, J C. Colón-Gaud, and A. Ramírez. Macroconsumer effects on stream benthos and organic matter processing in a tropical headwater stream: are shrimps more active at night? In North American Benthological Society. Vol. 58th Annual Meeting., 2010.
Gutiérrez-Fonseca, P., and A. Ramírez. Long-term patterns of aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in lowland neotropical streams In Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. San José, Costa Rica, 2013.
Ramírez, A., P. Gutiérrez-Fonseca, C.M. Pringle, M. Ardón, and G.E. Small. Long-term ecological research in lowland streams in Costa Rica: The importance of groundwater-surface water interactions on ecosystem dynamics In Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. San José, Costa Rica, 2013.
Camilo, D. L. Delgado, and A. Ramírez. Larval Odonata of Mesoamerica and the Caribbean: state of knowledge In International Congress of Odonatology. La Plata, Argentina, 2015.
Ramírez, A., G. Vázquez, and R. Novelo-Gutiérrez. Land use effects on biodiversity and water quality at la Antigua watershed, Mexico In American Society of Limnology and Oceanography annual meeting. New Orleans, LA, 2013.
Ramírez, A., C.M. Pringle, G.E. Small, B. Bixby, J.H. Duff, M. Ardón, A.P. Jackman, M. Snyder, C.N. Ganong, P. Gutiérrez-Fonseca et al. Insights from a 25+ year dataset in lowland Costa Rica: Effects of hydrologic connectivity from the mountains to the sea on stream ecosystems of an inland protected area In Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Baltimore, 2015.
Ramírez, A.. Insights from a 25+ year dataset in lowland Costa Rica: Effects of hydrologic connectivity from the mountains to the sea on stream ecosystems of an inland protected area In Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Baltimore, 2015.
Gutiérrez-Fonseca, P.E., and A. Ramírez. Insect morphology reflects environmental variability in tropical lowland streams, Costa Rica In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Milwaukee, MN, 2015.
Ramírez, A.. Improving communication among aquatic researchers in Latin America: the Macrolatinos initiative In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Jacksonville, FL, 2013.
Gutiérrez-Fonseca, P., and A. Ramírez. Importance of long-term sampling in the assessment of tropical stream biodiversity In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Louisville, KY, 2012.
Ramírez, A.. Impacto del uso de terreno en el funcionamiento de los ecosistema de río In XLVI Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas. Antioquia, Colombia, 2011.
Ramírez, A.. Impacto de la urbanización en los ecosistemas de río: el caso de Puerto Rico In Seminario especial. Costa Rica: Universidad de Costa Rica, 2010.
