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Ramírez, A., A. C. Engman, K. Rosas, O. Perez-Reyes, and D.M. Martinó-Cardona. "Urban impacts on tropical island streams: some key aspects influencing ecosystem response." Urban Ecosystems 15, no. 2 (2012): 315-325.
Lecturer, Invited. Urban Green Infrastructure and Relevance to Sustainability Science In Graduate School of Planning, Environmental Economics Class. Graduate School of Planning, UPRRP, 2015.
Lecturer, Invited. Urban Green Infrastructure and Relevance to Sustainability Science In Klumb House Seminar. School of Architecture UPRRP, 2015.
Castro-Prieto, J H.. "Urban development in surrounding lands of protected areas in Puerto Rico. International Institute of Tropical Forestry." Puerto Rico, 2014.
Castro-Prieto, J H.. "Urban development in surrounding lands of protected areas in Puerto Rico. International Institute of Tropical Forestry." Puerto Rico, 2013.
Roberson, L., L. Diaz-Vazquez, and A. Rodriguez. Uptake of contaminants of emerging concern in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus In PRCEN Annual Retreat., 2015.
Meléndez-Ackerman, E, S Olivero-Lora, A Erazo-Oliveras, J Fontanéz, K Torres, Y Hernández, C Vila, E Díaz, N Correa, R Santiago et al. "UPR-IGERT’s Agents of Change Project: Best Practices for Interdisciplinary Work." Acta Científica (2015).
Rodríguez, H. Upgrading Sugar Factory Operations for Improved Energy Utilization., 1981.
Updating the Air Conditioning Unit, New Wing- Bio- Medical Building., 1979.
Bonnet, JA, and GT Pytlinski. "University/ Industry Cooperative Interactions." In International Congress INTERSOL 85, June 23-29, 1985. Montreal, Canada: CEER, 1985.
Maysonet, S. C., Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman, and S. Martén-Rodriguez. Unexpected generalized pollination system in a tropical island herb, Heliconia caribaea In 95th ESA Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2010.
Santiago, L. E., J. C. Verdejo-Ortíz, R. Santiago-Bartolomei, Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman, and Diana C. García-Montiel. "Uneven access and underuse of ecological amenities in urban parks of the Río Piedras watershed." Ecology and Society 19, no. 1 (2014): 26.
Santiago, Luis E., Julio C. Verdejo Ortiz, Raul Santiago-Bartolomei, Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman, and Diana C. García-Montiel. "Uneven Access and Underuse of Ecological Amenities in Urban Parks of the Río Piedras Watershed." Ecology and Society 19, no. 1 (2014).
Santiago, L., J. C. Verdejo-Ortíz, R. Santiago-Bartolomei, Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman, and Diana C. García-Montiel. "Uneven access and uderutilization of ecological amenities in urban parks of the Rio Piedras Watershed." Ecology and Society 19, no. 1 (2010).
Prospero, J. M., and O. L. Mayol-Bracero. "Understanding the Transport and Impact of African Dust." Bulletin American Meteorological Society (2013).
D. Casonova, Davila, and M Yu. Understanding the past to predict the future: sea level rise, wetland migration and impacts to the habitat of a critically endangered frog In Annual Science Meeting of NASA Land Cover and Land Use Change Program and 2015 NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems Joint Science Workshop. College Park, MD, 2015.
Torres-Delgado, E. "Understanding the effect of African dust particles on cloud chemistry and microphysics in a tropical montane cloud forest in the Caribbean." In Latin American and Caribbean Aerosol Measurements School: From measurements technologies to applications. La Paz, Bolivia, 2015.
Mayol-Bracero, O. L., E Torres-Delgado, C. J. Valle-Diaz, D. Baumgardener, William H. McDowell, and G. González. Understanding the effect of African dust particles on cloud chemistry and microphysics in a tropical montane cloud forest in the Caribbean In Latin American and Caribbean Aerosol Measurements School: From measurements technologies to applications. La Paz, Bolivia, 2015.
Ramírez, A.. Undergraduate research training in tropical ecology at the Luquillo LTER, Puerto Rico In All Scientists Meeting, LTER program. Estes Park, CO, 2009.
Fidalgo-DeSouza, LL. Ultra Participatory Mapping Workshop In San Juan Ultra workshop (6 hours). Puerto Rico, 2013.
