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Vazquez, S., and A. Ramírez. Effect of river gobies on benthic periphyton in tropical urban streams, Puerto Rico In North American Benthological Society meeting. Providence, RI, 2011.
Sánchez, J., S. Kelly, and A. Ramírez. The effect of urbanization on the web spinning behaviors of riparian orb-weaving spiders In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Milwaukee, MN, 2015.
Sánchez, J., S. Kelly, and A. Ramírez. The effect of urbanization on the web spinning behaviors of riparian orb-weaving spiders In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Milwaukee, MN, 2015.
Gutiérrez-Fonseca, P.E., and A. Ramírez. Effects of flood disturbance and episodic acidification events on aquatic macroinvertebrates in tropical lowland streams In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Jacksonville, FL, 2013.
Engman, A., and A. Ramírez. The effects of flow reduction reduced flow on leaf decomposition rates in a tropical urban stream In North American Benthological Society. Vol. 58th Annual Meeting., 2010.
Engman, A. C., and A. Ramírez. The effects of instream habitat and channelization on fish assemblage structure in a tropical urban watershed In American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2011.
Caraballo, B., and A. Ramírez. Effects of land use on microbial Eukarya diversity in stream benthic biofilms In 2nd Symposium Frontiers in Environmental Microbiology: a Caribbean Perspective. Universidad del Turabo, 2009.
De Jesús-Crespo, R., and A. Ramírez. "Effects of urbanization on stream physicochemistry and macroinvertebrate assemblages in a tropical urban watershed in Puerto Rico." North American Benthological Society 30, no. 3 (2011): 739-750.
De Jesús-Crespo, R., and A. Ramírez. "Effects of urbanization on stream physicochemistry and macroinvertebrate assemblages in a tropical urban watershed in Puerto Rico." Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30, no. 3 (2011): 739-750.
Ramírez, A., and P.E. Gutiérrez-Fonseca. "Estudios sobre macroinvertebrados acuáticos en América Latina: avances recientes y direcciones futuras." Biología Tropical 62, no. 2 (2014): 9-20.
Ramírez, A., and P. Gutiérrez-Fonseca. Estudios sobre macroinvertebrados acuáticos en América Latina: avances recientes y direcciones futuras In 2ndo Congreso Latino Americano de Macroinvertebrados de Agua Dulce. Queretaro, Mexico, 2014.
Ramírez, A., and P.E. Gutiérrez-Fonseca. Estudios sobre macroinvertebrados acuáticos en América Latina: avances recientes y direcciones futuras In 2ndo Congreso Latino Americano de Macroinvertebrados de Agua Dulce. Queretaro, Mexico, 2014.
Ramírez, A., and P.E. Gutiérrez-Fonseca. "Estudios sobre macroinvertebrados acuáticos en América Latina: avances recientes y direcciones futuras." Biología Tropical 62, no. 2 (2014): 9-20.
Ardón, M., J.H. Duff, A. Ramírez, G.E. Small, A.P. Jackman, F.J. Triska, and C.M. Pringle. Experimental acidification of two Neotropical streams illustrates the sensitivity of invertebrate assemblages and importance of bicarbonate buffering In American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2011.
Ardón, M., J.H. Duff, A. Ramírez, G.E. Small, A.P. Jackman, F.J. Triska, and C.M. Pringle. "Experimental acidification of two biogeochemically-distinct neotropical streams: Buffering mechanisms and macroinvertebrate drift." Science of the Total Environment 443 (2013): 267-277.
