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Invited lecture for Island Biology Course In Undergraduate Program Biology. San Juan PR: University of PR Rio Piedras, 2014.
Invited lecture for Sustainability. San Juan, PR: Graduate School of Public Health, University of PR medical Science Campus, 2013.
Invited lecture for Sustainability Seminar. Graduate School of Public Health, University of PR medical Science Campus, San Juan PR, 2014.
Leyes Ambientales de Puerto Rico In Grupo 4to Grado. Escuela Antonio S Pedreira, 2010.
Life inside the mat: links between Lepanthes rupestris orchids and bryophyte presence in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico In Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Alburquerque, NM, 2009.
Life inside the mat: links between Lepanthes rupestris orchids and bryophyte presence in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico In Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting. San Juan PR, 2009.
Local Perceptions on Residential Green Infrastructure within the Rio Piedras Watershed In 2013 Annual Meeting: Developing the CLCC Strategic Conservation Framework. Isla Verde, PR: Caribbean Landscape Conservation Cooperative, 2013.
NSF-CREST Center for Applied Tropical Ecology and Conservation In NSF Joint Annual Meeting. Washington DC, 2009.
Outreach at the NSF-CREST Center for Applied Tropical Ecology and Conservation. National Science Foundation, VA, 2011.
Perceived Ecosystem Services and Disservices of Residential Green Infrastructure within the Río Piedras Watershed In The 5th World Sustainability Forum. Basel, Switzerland , 2015.
Perceptions on Residential Green Infrastructure within the Rio Piedras Watershed In Local C4SI3: Ecosystem Services for Sustainability. Third Conference for Sustainability IGERTs. Portland, Oregon, USA, 2013.
Plant diversity of residential yards across the Río Piedras watershed In PR Interdisicplinary Science Meeting (PRISM). UPR Carolina , 2012.
Pollination Biology of Harrisia portoricensis (Cactaceae), an Endangered Caribbean Species In CATEC Symposium. San Juan, PR, 2009.
Pollinator communities of Guaiacum sanctum (Zygophylaceae) In Ecological Society of America. Albuquerque, NM, 2009.
Professional Training and Graduate Education Needs for Warfare Ecology In Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America., 2011.
Rediscovering Eugenia fajardensis: Building a research infrastructure for a rare and possibly endangered species. Sacramento, CA, 2014.
Spatial analysis of foraging activity of the Polygynous Red Imported Fire Ant Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera:Formicidae) In CATEC Symposium. San Juan, PR, 2009.
Species Invasions In Conservation Biology (Biol. 6145), Biology Graduate Program. University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras, 2012.
Unexpected generalized pollination system in a tropical island herb, Heliconia caribaea In 95th ESA Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2010.
USDA project workshop: GIS Tools in Conservation In USDA project workshop. Rio Piedras: University of Puerto Rico, 2011.