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Conference Proceedings
Rosas, K., J C. Colón-Gaud, and A. Ramírez. A case for developing long-term macroinvertebrate assemblage datasets in headwater streams at the LUQ-LTER, Puerto Rico In Join Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR, 2014.
Rosas, K., J C. Colón-Gaud, and A. Ramírez. A case for developing long-term macroinvertebrate assemblage datasets in headwater streams at the LUQ-LTER, Puerto Rico In Join Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR, 2014.
Pringle, C.M., G.E. Small, B. Bixby, A. Ramírez, J.H. Duff, M. Ardón, A.P. Jackman, M. Snyder, C.N. Ganong, P. Gutiérrez-Fonseca et al. Climate-driven acidification in lowland Neotropical streams: Insights from a 25-year dataset on ground water - surface water interactions In Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
Wagner, K., and A. Ramírez. Composición y estructura de los ensamblajes de macroinvertebrados de una cuenca tropical urbana en Puerto Rico In Primer Congreso Latino Americano de Macroinvertebrados Acuáticos. San José, Costa Rica, 2012.
Ganong, C.N., G.E. Small, J.H. Duff, M. Ardón, A. Ramírez, F.J. Triska, and C.M. Pringle. Consequences of climate-driven changes in precipitation: shifts in seasonal pH regime and nutrient concentrations in neotropical rainforest streams In Join Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR, 2014.
Ganong, C.N., G.E. Small, J.H. Duff, M. Ardón, A. Ramírez, F.J. Triska, and C.M. Pringle. Consequences of climate-driven changes in precipitation: shifts in seasonal pH regime and nutrient concentrations in neotropical rainforest streams In Join Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR, 2014.
Rosas, K., and A. Ramírez. Crecimiento y duración del estadio larval de quironómidos y efemerópteros en un río tropical, Puerto Rico In Primer Congreso Latino Americano de Macroinvertebrados Acuáticos. San José, Costa Rica, 2012.
Gutiérrez-Fonseca, P.E., C.M. Pringle, and A. Ramírez. Dinámica a largo plazo de las variables fisicoquímicas y sus efectos sobre la estructura y composición del ensamblaje de macroinvertebrados en ríos de zonas bajas en Costa Rica In 2ndo Congreso Latino Americano de Macroinvertebrados de Agua Dulce. Queretaro, Mexico, 2014.
Gutiérrez-Fonseca, P., C.M. Pringle, and A. Ramírez. Dinámica a largo plazo de las variables fisicoquímicas y sus efectos sobre la estructura y composición del ensamblaje de macroinvertebrados en ríos de zonas bajas en Costa Rica In 2ndo Congreso Latino Americano de Macroinvertebrados de Agua Dulce. Queretaro, Mexico, 2014.
Ramírez-Babativa, D., G. Vázquez, A. Ramírez, J. García-Franco, and M. Caballero. Dinámica metabólica del perifiton de ríos de la cuenca alta del río La Antigua, Veracruz, México In VI Congreso Nacional de Limnología. México DF: Universidad Nacional de México, 2014.
Ramírez-Babativa, D., G. Vázquez, A. Ramírez, J. García-Franco, and M. Caballero. Dinámica metabólica del perifiton de ríos de la cuenca alta del río La Antigua, Veracruz, México In VI Congreso Nacional de Limnología. México DF: Universidad Nacional de México, 2014.
Rosas, K., and A. Ramírez. Discharge as a driver of macroinvertebrate assemblage structure in urban tropical island streams In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Jacksonville, FL, 2013.
Ramírez, A.. Disturbance as a key factor in understanding macroinvertebrate assemblage dynamics in neotropical streams In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Milwaukee, MN, 2015.
Burgos-Caraballo, S, and A. Ramírez. Is the diversity and functioning of benthic biofilms affected by watershed land use in tropical streams? In North American Benthological Society, 57th Annual Meeting. MI, 2009.
Martinez, N., and A. Ramírez. Do macroconsumers play a role in leaf litter breakdown in tropical urban streams? In North American Benthological Society, 57th Annual Meeting. MI, 2009.
Burgos-Caraballo, S, and A. Ramírez. Do nutrient-rich urban streams have a higher diversity of microbial communities in benthic biofilms? In American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2011.
Vazquez, S., and A. Ramírez. Effect of river gobies on benthic periphyton in tropical urban streams, Puerto Rico In North American Benthological Society meeting. Providence, RI, 2011.
Sánchez, J., S. Kelly, and A. Ramírez. The effect of urbanization on the web spinning behaviors of riparian orb-weaving spiders In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Milwaukee, MN, 2015.
Sánchez, J., S. Kelly, and A. Ramírez. The effect of urbanization on the web spinning behaviors of riparian orb-weaving spiders In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Milwaukee, MN, 2015.
Gutiérrez-Fonseca, P.E., and A. Ramírez. Effects of flood disturbance and episodic acidification events on aquatic macroinvertebrates in tropical lowland streams In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Jacksonville, FL, 2013.
