Staff Resumes., 1977.
Abundance Studies on the Anolis Lizards and Insect Populations of Altitudinally Different Tropical Forest Habitats. CEER, 1978.
Actas de la Primera Conferencia del Caribe sobre la Energía para el Desarrollo: 3- de abril de 1978., 1978.
Alternate Uses of Sugarcane for Development in Puerto Rico- Proceedings of a Symposium, Caribe Hilton Hotel, March 26-27, 1979, San Juan, Puerto Rico In Alternate Uses of Sugarcane for Development in Puerto Rico. Vol. March 1979. Caribe Hilton Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico: CEER, 1979.
Aspects of the Ecology of the Pseudopterogorgia Americana and Pseudopterogorgia Acerosa (MS Thesis)., 1979.