
Found 1363 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Townsend, DS. The Adaptive Significance of Male Parential Care in a Neotropical Frog In Biological Sciences. Vol. PhD. State University of New York, 1984.
Bonnet, JA, and GT Pytlinski. Alternative Technologies: Research and Development by CEER in Puerto Rico., 1984.
Bonnet, JA, and GT Pytlinski. "Alternative Technologies: Research and Development by CEER in Puerto Rico." In 1984 Annual Meeting of the American Section of International Solar Energy Society, June 5-6, 1984. Anaheim, California, U.S.A.: CEER, 1984.
Toledo, W, and Torres S Roán. Análisis de viabilidad y determinación del mercado potencial para los calentadores solares para uso residencial en Puerto Rico., 1984.
Ginés, C, N Ortega, and R Waide. Bibliography of Research at El Verde, PR., 1984.
Bonnet, JA. The Center for Energy and Environment Research as a Catalyst for Industry/ University Research at the University of Puerto Rico., 1984.
Bonnet, JA, and M Iriarte. "Combustibles a base de mezclas de carbón y agua como una alternativa viable para la industria eléctrica." In Conferencia en el Colegio Dominicanos de Ingenieros y Agrimensores, 14 de marzo del 1984. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana: CEER, 1984.
Ginés, C. Effects of Sunlight and other Factors on the Population Dynamics of Coliform Bacteria., 1984.
Koehler, W, and JA Bonnet. "Energy for the Caribbean: The Medium Term." In XVIII Convención de la Unión Panamericana de Asociaciones de Ingenieros. Caracas, Venezuela: CEER, 1984.
Bonnet, JA, DS Sasscer, and M Iriarte. Estudios sobre energía oceánica en Puerto Rico., 1984.
Lawrence, W. Gas Exchange Characteristics of Mango (Mangifera indica) in Puerto Rico: Field Measurements with a Portable Photosysthensis System., 1984.
Díaz, H, and E Díaz. Low Energy Home Designs for Puerto Rico., 1984.
Vicente, V, and C Goenaga. Mortandades masivas del erizo de mar Diadema antillarum (Philippi) en Puerto Rico., 1984.
Willing, MR, and A Bauman. Notes on Bats form the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico., 1984.
