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Colon, L., O. L. Mayol-Bracero, P. Formenti, and F. Mazzei. Atmospheric Aerosols in the Guánica Dry Forest In 29th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). University of Puerto Rico-RP, PR, 2009.
Colon, L., O. L. Mayol-Bracero, P. Formenti, and F. Mazzei. Atmospheric Aerosols in the Guánica Dry Forest In AGU 2009 Joint Assembly. Toronto, Canada, 2009.
Vallejo, P., P. Formenti, S. Chevaillier, and O. L. Mayol-Bracero. African Dust in the Caribbean: Impact on the Chemical and Physical Composition of Aerosols at the Atmospheric Observatory in Cabezas de San Juan, Puerto Rico In First International Workshop on the Long-Range Transport and Impacts of African Dust on the Americas. San Juan, PR, 2011.
Vallejo, P., K. Mendez, P. Formenti, S. Chevaillier, and O. L. Mayol-Bracero. African dust in the Caribbean: impact on the chemical and physical composition of aerosols at the Atmospheric Observatory in Cabezas de San Juan, Puerto Rico In 43rd IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, 46th IUPAC General Assembly and 70th Colegio de Químicos Annual Conference and Exhibition. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2011.