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Measurements of Atmospheric Particles in the Tropics: From the 90s to the Present In Seminars for Volunteers at the LFDP. El Verde Field Station, Río Grande, Puerto Rico, 2012.
An Overview of the Puerto Rico African Dust and Clouds Study (PRADACS) – Aerosol and Cloud Measurements at a Caribbean Tropical Montance Cloud Forest In International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Conference. Beijing, China, 2012.
Physico-chemical characterization of cloud drop residues and interstitial particles observed inside trade wind cumuli during the Puerto Rican African Dust And Cloud Study (PRADACS) In 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU. San Francisco, Calif, 2012.
The Puerto Rico African Dust and Clouds Study (PRADACS) – Aerosol and Cloud Measurements at a Caribbean Tropical Montance Cloud Forest In International Conference of Clouds and Precipitation. Leipzig, Germany, 2012.
The Puerto Rico African Dust and Clouds Study (PRADACS): Chemical Composition of Cloud Water and Rain Water at Pico del Este Tropical Montane Cloud Forest In Puerto Rico Louis Stokes’ AMP Junior Technical Meeting. University of Puerto Rico, Carolina, PR, 2012.
Size-resolved Chemical Composition of Cloud and Rain Water Collected during the Puerto Rico African Dust and Clouds Study (PRADACS) Campaign In Puerto Rico Louis Stokes’ AMP Junior Technical Meeting. University of Puerto Rico, Carolina, PR, 2012.
US and Cuban Scientific Cooperation in Atmospheric Science." AGU AS Newsletter 6, no. 2 (2012).
"African dust impact on the size distribution of aerosols in the Caribbean: Observations from Atmospheric Observatory in Cabezas de San Juan, Puerto Rico In 33rd PUERTO RICO INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC MEETING 48th JUNIOR TECHNICAL MEETING. Universidad del Turabo, Gurabo, PR, 2013.
African dust in the Caribbean: chemical, physical and optical properties of transported African dust across the Atlantic: observations from Atmospheric Observatory in Cabezas de San Juan, Puerto Rico In 33rd PUERTO RICO INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC MEETING 48th JUNIOR TECHNICAL MEETING. Universidad del Turabo, Gurabo, PR, 2013.
Atmospheric Chemistry in Puerto Rico In 1st America’s Working Group. Bogota, Colombia, 2013.
Chemical constituents in clouds and rainwater in the Puerto Rican rainforest: Potential sources and seasonal drivers." Atmos. Environ. 68 (2013): 208-220.
"Chemical Speciation of Water Soluble Ions and Metals of Cloud and Rain Water During the Puerto Rico African Dust and Clouds Study (PRADACS) Campaigns In 33rd PUERTO RICO INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC MEETING 48th JUNIOR TECHNICAL MEETING. Universidad del Turabo, Gurabo, PR, 2013.
Composition and Morphology of Major Particle Types from Airborne Measurements during ICE-T and PRADACS Field Studies In 33rd PUERTO RICO INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC MEETING 48th JUNIOR TECHNICAL MEETING. Universidad del Turabo, Gurabo, PR, 2013.
Do cloud properties in a Puerto Rican tropical mountain cloud forest depend on long-range transport of African dust? In 6th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew. Yokohama, Japan, 2013.
IGAC Americas Working Group: Setting the Foundation." IGAC Newsletter 49 (2013).
"Low and Mid Level Tropical Atmosphere Characterization during African Dust Outbreaks Using Particle Size Distribution Data Retrieved from ICE-T and PRADACS Field Studies In 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU. San Francisco, Calif, 2013.
Measurements to Fill Knowledge Gaps on Ice Nucleating Particle Sources over Oceans In Fall Meeting, AGU. San Francisco, Calif., 2013.
An Overview of the Puerto Rico African Dust and Clouds Study (PRADACS) – Aerosol and Cloud Measurements at a Caribbean Tropical Montane Cloud Forest In 33rd PUERTO RICO INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC MEETING 48th JUNIOR TECHNICAL MEETING. Universidad del Turabo, Gurabo, PR, 2013.
Pan American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) on Atmospheric Processes of Latin America and the Caribbean: Observations, Analysis, and Impacts In IGAC Newsletter., 2013.
PRADACS and Dust-ATtaCk In Dust-ATtACk Symposium. University of Paris East, 2013.