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Sánchez-García, M J., S. Zottoli, L. Diaz-Vazquez, and L. Roberson. Estuarine fishes as bio-indicators of harmful environmental conditions In 2014 PRCEN Annual Retreat. San Juan, PR: Hotel El Convento, 2014.
Sánchez-García, M J., S. Zottoli, L. Diaz, and L. Roberson. Estuarine fishes as bio-indicators of harmful environmental conditions In Simposio de Investigación Estudiantil Ambientis. Gurabo, PR: University of Turabo, 2014.
Sánchez-García, M J., S. Zottoli, L. Diaz, and L. Roberson. Estuarine fishes as bio-indicators of harmful environmental conditions In Caribbean Regional Association for Coastal Ocean Observing General Assembly. Club Náutico de San Juan: San Juan, PR, 2014.
Sánchez-García, M J., S. Zottoli, L. Diaz, and L. Roberson. Use of Lutjanus jocu (dog snapper) as a bioindicator of emerging contaminants and changes in environmental condition In ASLO Annual Meeting. Honolulu, HI, 2014.