The Educational Initiative for a Sustainable Future at UPR In Renewable Energy Education meeting. University of Illinois-Urbana-Champagne, 2011.
Effects of water quality on seagrass community productivity and biodiversity In Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting. Mobile, AL, 2011.
Habitat and Biodiversity Mapping for the Determination of Algal Biomass Aquaculture Sites in the Coastal Areas of Puerto Rico In La novena reunión nacional de Percepción Remota y Sistemas de Información Geográfica (PRYSIG). University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus, Puerto Rico: COHEMIS, 2011.
Contaminants of emerging concern in the San Juan Bay Estuary System In NJ Region 2 EPA Lab. New Jersey, 2012.
Contaminants of emerging concern in the San Juan Bay Estuary System In Department of Natural and Environmental Resources. San Juan, PR, 2012.
Exploring the regulatory and technical viability of a hypothetical macroalgal mariculture operation in Puerto Rico In Joint ACS Jr. Technical Meeting & PR Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). UPR Carolina Campus, 2012.
Habitat and feasibility mapping for the determination of optimal algal biomass mariculture sites in coastal areas of Puerto Rico In 3rd Conference on the planning and management of marine spaces. Puerto Rico Departament of Natural and Environmental Resources, San Juan, PR, 2012.
A mechanistic understanding of calcification in corals In WHOI climate group meeting. Woods Hole, MA, 2012.
Use of macroalgal biomass for production of biofuels In DoD Site Visit. UPR Río Piedras, San Juan, PR, 2012.
Use of marine algal biomass for biofuel production In 3rd Annual Renewable and Sustainable Fuel Solutions Summer Symposium. Rutgers University, New Jersey, 2012.
The Educational Initiative for a Sustainable Future at UPR In US DoEd Site Visit. San Juan, PR: UPR Río Piedras, 2013.
Effects of Tributyl Phosphate (TBP) on the Cardiac Ganglion of the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus In 22nd Annual Puerto Rico Neuroscience Meeting. Ponce, PR, 2013.
Impact of 1,4 dichloro benzene on the Callinectes sapidus cardiac system In Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM. Washington, D.C., 2013.
Impact of emerging contaminants on marine macroalgae In ASLO Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, 2013.
Moderator, Forum: UPR – Towards Sustainability. San Juan, PR: UPR Rio Piedras , 2013.
Ongoing studies on local water quality in Puerto Rico In EPA Caribbean Science Consortium quarterly meeting. Ponce, PR, 2013.
Panel on emerging issues in water quality In A FEW Ideas for the New Millennium. San Juan, PR: UPR Río Piedras, 2013.
Presence and distribution of emerging contaminants in the San Juan Bay Estuary, PR (presented by X. Perez) In Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, 2013.
The role of environmental neuroscience in understanding and detecting impacts of emerging contaminants In Fish and Shellfish Consumption Advisory Group Kickoff Meeting. San Juan, PR: Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, 2013.
The role of environmental neuroscience in understanding and detecting impacts of emerging contaminants In EPA Region 2 Directors site visit. San Juan, PR: UPR Río Piedras, 2013.