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K. Camacho, Torres, S Olivero-Lora, A Erazo-Oliveras, J. Fontanéz, E. Díaz, K. Torres, N. Correa, and Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman. "How do people get their yard plants?" In Iniciativas de Investigación y Actividad Creativa Subgraduada. Hotel Condado Plaza, San Juan, PR: Segundo Encuentro Sub-graduado de Investigación y Creación (SESIC), 2014.
Torres, K., S Olivero-Lora, A Erazo-Oliveras, J. Fontanéz, E. Díaz, K. Torres, N. Correa, and Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman. How do people get their yard plants? Plants sources in a urban environment In 49th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, 34th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting. University of Puerto Rico, Cayey Campus, 2014.
K. Camacho, Torres, S Olivero-Lora, A Erazo-Oliveras, J. Fontanéz, E. Díaz, K. Torres, N. Correa, and Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman. "How do people get their years plants?" In 34th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting. University of Puerto Rico, Cayey Campus: 49th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, 2014.