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Feeding preferences and growth of Tallaperla sp. (Plecoptera: Peltoperlidae): a cross-site comparison using tropical and temperate leaves In North American Benthological Society . Vol. 58th Annual Meeting., 2010.
Fish assemblage structure in urban streams of Puerto Rico: The importance of reach- and catchment-scale abiotic factors." Hydrobiologia 693 (2012): 141-155.
"Fish assemblage structure in urban streams of Puerto Rico: The importance of reach- and catchment-scale abiotic factors." Hydrobiologia 693 (2012): 141-155.
"Food webs topology and biomass flow in a tropical urban stream In Join Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR, 2014.
Food webs topology and biomass flow in a tropical urban stream In Join Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR, 2014.
Functional feeding groups of aquatic insect families in Latin America: a critical analysis and review of existing literature." Biología Tropical 62, no. 2 (2014): 155-167.
"Functional feeding groups of aquatic insect families in Latin America: a critical analysis and review of existing literature." Biología Tropical 62, no. 2 (2014): 155-167.
"Factors controlling macroinvertebrate assemblages in two streams with contrasting macroconsumer abundances In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Milwaukee, MN, 2015.
The food web of a tropical island stream In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Milwaukee, MN, 2015.