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Uneven Access and Underuse of Ecological Amenities in Urban Parks of the Río Piedras Watershed." Ecology and Society 19, no. 1 (2014).
"Implication of demographic data of rediscovering Eugenia fajardensis(Myrtaceae), a possibly endangered species In ESA Annual meeting . Baltimore, 2015.
Perceived Ecosystem Services and Disservices of Residential Green Infrastructure within the Río Piedras Watershed In The 5th World Sustainability Forum. Basel, Switzerland , 2015.
Puntos de intersección entre las Ciencias Ambientales y las Nanociencias: Retos y oportunidades." El Sol: Revista de la Asociación de Maestros de Puerto Rico 1 (2015): 55-60.
"Seed Dispersal Turns an Experimental Plantation on Degraded Land into a Novel Forest in Urban Northern Puerto Rico." Forest ecology and Management 357 (2015): 68-75.
" "10-year assessment of ungulates exclusion in the dry forest of Mona Island: understory vegetation responses." Caribbean Naturalist (In Press).
"Associations between Soil Variables and Vegetation Structure and Composition of Caribbean Dry Forests." Caribbean Naturalist (In Press).
"Plant species diversity of residential yards across a tropical watershed: implications for urban sustainability." Ecology and Society (In Press).
"Social-economic drivers of yard sustainable practices in a tropical city: testing generality of bottom up vs. top down drivers." Ecology and Society (In Press).