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Uneven Access and Underuse of Ecological Amenities in Urban Parks of the Río Piedras Watershed." Ecology and Society 19, no. 1 (2014).
"Uneven access and underuse of ecological amenities in urban parks of the Río Piedras watershed." Ecology and Society 19, no. 1 (2014): 26.
"USDA project workshop: GIS Tools in Conservation In USDA project workshop. Rio Piedras: University of Puerto Rico, 2011.
Uneven access and uderutilization of ecological amenities in urban parks of the Rio Piedras Watershed." Ecology and Society 19, no. 1 (2010).
"Unexpected generalized pollination system in a tropical island herb, Heliconia caribaea In 95th ESA Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2010.