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Yu, M, Q. Gao, and H.E. Epstein. "Ecophysiological characteristics on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of dominant C3 and C4 species in semi-arid and arid grassland." South African Journal of Botany 75, no. 3 (2009): 518-525.
Gao, Q., and M Yu. Modeling ecosystems with physiological and morphological adaptation In Annual Meeting of Ecology Society of America. Albuquerque, NM, 2009.
Gao, Q., and M Yu. Quantifying the behavior of stomatal conductance of plant functional types based on data over China In Annual Meeting of Ecology Society of America. Albuquerque, NM, 2009.
Yu, M, and Q. Gao. Vulnerability and Adaptive Management of Tropical Coastal Wetlands in the context of Land Use and Climate Changes. In Annual Science Meeting of NASA Land Cover and Land Use Change Program. Washington, D.C., 2012.
Wang, X., C. Wang, M Yu, and Q. Gao. Detecting Vegetation Phenology along precipitation and temperature gradients using time-series MODIS 250 m EVI Data In Ambientis Symposium at University of Turabo, PR. Gurabo, PR: University of Turabo, PR, 2014.
Gao, Q., and M Yu. "Discerning the fragmentation dynamics between tropical forest and wetlands in the context of reforestation, urban sprawl, and policy change." PLOS ONE (2014).
Gao, Q., and M Yu. Discerning the fragmentation dynamics between tropical forest and wetlands in the context of reforestation, urban sprawl, and policy change., 2014.
Yu, M, and Q. Gao. Distribution Patterns of Tropical Wetlands in the course of Reforestation and Urbanization In 7th National Summit on Coastal and Estuarine Restoration and 24th Biennial Meeting of The Coastal Society. Washington, D.C., 2014.
Yu, M, and Q. Gao. Distribution Patterns of Tropical Wetlands in the course of Reforestation and Urbanization In 7th National Summit on Coastal and Estuarine Restoration and 24th Biennial Meeting of The Coastal Society. Washington, DC, 2014.
Gao, Q., and M Yu. Land pattern dynamics of a tropical island in the context of urban sprawl and forest regrowth In Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Sacramento, CA, 2014.
Gao, Q., and M Yu. Land pattern dynamics of a tropical island in the context of urban sprawl and forest regrowth In Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Sacramento, CA, 2014.
Zhang, Y., Q. Gao, L. Xu, M Yu, and Y. Tian. "Shrubs proliferated within a six-year exclosure in a temperate grassland - Spatiotemporal relationships between vegetation and soil variables." Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions 6, no. 2 (2014): 139-149.