
Found 13 results
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Journal Article
Alvarez-Berríos, N L., I. K. Parés-Ramos, and T M. Aide. "Contrasting patterns of urban expansion in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia between 1992 and 2009." Ambio 42, no. 1 (2013): 29-40.
Alvarez-Berríos, N L., IK Parés-Ramos, and T M. Aide. "Contrasting patterns of urban expansion in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia between 1992 and 2009." Ambio 42, no. 1 (2013): 29-40.
Aide, T M., C. H. Matthew, R. Grau, D. López-Carr, M. A. Levy, D. Redo, M. Bonilla-Moheno, G. Riner, M J. Andrade-Núñez, and M. Muñiz. "Deforestation and reforestation of Latin America and The Caribbean (2001 -2010)." Biotropica (2013).
Bonilla-Moheno, M., T M. Aide, N L. Alvarez-Berríos, M J. Andrade-Núñez, AV Arache-Martínez, G. Roman, and A. Sanchez-Cuervo. "Environmental Social Science: Human-Environment Interactions and Sustainability." Conservation and Society 10, no. 4 (2012): 386-387.
Bonilla-Moheno, M, T M. Aide, N L. Alvarez-Berríos, M J. Andrade-Núñez, AV Arache-Martínez, G Román, and A Sánchez-Cuervo. "Environmental Social Science: Human-Environment Interactions and Sustainability." Conservation and Society 10, no. 4 (2012): 386-387.
Alvarez-Berríos, N L., and T M. Aide. "Global demand for gold is another threat for tropical forests." Environmental Research Letters 10, no. 1 (2015).
Andrade-Núñez, M J., M. Clark, T M. Aide, and D. J. Redo. "Impacts of internal and external policies on land change in Uruguay, 2001 – 2009." Environmental Conservation 39 (2012): 122-131.
Alvarez-Berríos, N L., D. Redo, T M. Aide, M. Clark, and R. Grau. "Land Change in the Greater Antilles between 2001 and 2010." Land 2, no. 2 (2013): 81-107.
Alvarez-Berríos, N L., D Redo, T M. Aide, M Clark, and R Grau. "Land Change in the Greater Antilles between 2001 and 2010." Land 2, no. 2 (2013): 81-107.
Parés-Ramos, I. K., N L. Alvarez-Berríos, and T M. Aide. "Mapping Urbanization Dynamics in Major Cities of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia Using Night-Time Satellite Imagery." Land 2, no. 1 (2013): 37-59.
Parés-Ramos, IK, N L. Alvarez-Berríos, and T M. Aide. "Mapping Urbanization Dynamics in Major Cities of Colombia, Ecuador, Per, and Bolivia Using Night-Time Satellite Imagery." Land 2, no. 1 (2013): 37-59.
Bonilla-Moheno, M., J. Babot, N L. Alvarez-Berríos, T M. Aide, and R. Grau. "Perspective: Globalization and land use in Latin America." GLP News (2014): 5-7.
Bonilla-Moheno, M, R Grau, T M. Aide, N L. Alvarez-Berríos, and J Babot. "Perspective: Globalization and land use in Latin America." GLP New (2014): 5-7.