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Pérez-Pérez, M E.. Adaptation or extinction: effects of climate change on biodiversity, ecosystem services, and human communities., 2014.
Pérez-Pérez, M E., and Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman. Breeding system and pollination of Gesneria pauciflora a threatened caribbean species: Brief island reproductive syndrome analysis in Gesneriaceae species In XXIX Symposium of Flora and Fauna from the Caribbean., 2014.
Pérez-Pérez, M E.. Breeding system and pollination of Gesneria pauciflora a threatened caribbean species: brief island reproductive syndrome analysis in Gesneriaceae species., 2014.
Pérez-Pérez, M E.. "Cambios en la composición, abundancia y distribución espacial de la vegetación vascular herbácea de la sierra de los Cuchumatanes y de la Península Antártica y posibles relaciones con el cambio climático." Guatemala, 2014.
Pérez-Pérez, M E., J. Bas, L. Diaz, and L. Roberson. Carbohydrate, Fat, Protein and Metal Analysis in Cultured Gracilaria In A FEW Ideas for the New Millennium. San Juan, PR: UPR Río Piedras, 2014.
Matthews, DL, and M E. Pérez-Pérez. "Description of the Natural History and Immature Stages of Postplatyptilia caribica Gielis in Puerto Rico (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae)." Zootaxa 3821 (2014): 363-372.
Matthews, D.L., and M E. Pérez-Pérez. "Description of the Natural History and Immature Stages of Postplatyptilia caribica Gielis in Puerto Rico (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae)." Zootaxa 3821 (2014): 363-372.
Pérez-Pérez, M E., and Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman. Rediscovering Eugenia fajardensis: Building a research infrastructure for a rare and possibly endangered species. Sacramento, CA, 2014.
Pérez-Pérez, M E.. The “Selfie” in the Caribbean: Analysis of Baker’s hypothesis in the Gesneriaceae family., 2014.
Pérez-Pérez, M E., J. Bas, L. Diaz, and L. Roberson. Studying the potential for bioaccumulation of heavy metals and organic pollutants in oysters and algae from the San Juan Bay Estuary In ASLO Annual Meeting. Honolulu, HI, 2014.
Pérez-Pérez, M E., J. Bas, L. Diaz, and L. Roberson. Studying the potential of heavy metals and organic pollutants in oysters and algae from the San Juan Bay Estuary In 2014 PRCEN Annual Retreat. San Juan, PR: Hotel El Convento, 2014.
Pérez-Pérez, M E., and Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman. Breeding system and pollination of Gesneria pauciflora urb. (Gesneriaceae): An endemic and threatened species of the Caribbean In Botany 2013: Celebrating Diversity! New Orleans, U.S., 2013.
Pérez-Pérez, M E.. "Breeding system and pollination of Gesneria pauciflora urb. (Gesneriaceae): An endemic and threatened species of the Caribbean." In XVII Symposium of the Department of Natural Resources: The threatened and endangered species in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico, 2013.
Pérez-Pérez, M E.. "Breeding system and pollination of Gesneria pauciflora urb. (Gesneriaceae): An endemic and threatened species of the Caribbean." In Botanical Society of America, annual meeting. New Orleans, USA, 2013.
Pérez-Pérez, M E.. "Cambios en la composición, abundancia y distribución espacial de la vegetación vascular herbácea de la sierra de los Cuchumatanes y de la Península Antártica y posibles relaciones con el cambio climático." Guatemala, 2013.
Freire, V., M E. Pérez-Pérez, F. Ramirez, and M. V. Rios. "Hepatic flora of a Guatemalan cloud forest." Tropical Bryology 35 (2013): 1-13.
Freire, V, M E. Pérez-Pérez, F Ramírez, and MV Ríos. "Hepatic flora of a Guatemalan cloud forest." Tropical Bryology 35 (2013): 1-13.
Arévalo, J.V. Martínez, M E. Pérez-Pérez, C.O. Rivera Mazariegos, and M.M. Velásquez Villatoro. "Integración del conocimiento científico y el tradicional en los procesos de restauración de los bosques de pinabete (Abies guatemalensis Rehder), San Marcos, Guatemala." Tikalia 31 (2013): 73-91.
Martínez-Arévalo, JV, M E. Pérez-Pérez, CO Rivera-Mazariegos, and MM Velásquez Villatoro. "Integración del conocimiento científico y el tradicional en los procesos de restauración de los bosques de pinabete (Abies guatemalensis Rehder), San Marcos, Guatemala." Tikalia 31 (2013): 73-91.
