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Certificate for participation in the workshop coordinated by the Maximizing Yield Through Integration (I3) projected entitled: Design and Scholar Project Development In Center for Science and Math Education Research (CSMAR) of the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus. Puerto Rico, 2013.
Certificate of participation of to the workshop: Integrity and Research Ethics In Dr. Ingrid Montes, professor of Natural Science Faculty in University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. Puerto Rico, 2013.
Certification for participation in the Conference of Population Studies of Puerto Rico In Institute of Statistics of Puerto Rico and University of Puerto Rico, Cayey Campus. Puerto Rico, 2013.
Research titled Maximizing Yield Through Integration (I3) projected entitled: Design and Scholar Project Development." Puerto Rico, 2013.
"The Watershed Academy Web-Based Training Program Certificate In United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Puerto Rico, 2013.
An assessment of residents’ satisfaction and short-term visions for urban yards in San Juan, Puerto Rico." Puerto Rico, 2014.
"An assessment of residents’ satisfaction and short-term visions for urban yards in San Juan, Puerto Rico." In Annual Conference 2014, 'Urban landscape ecology: science, policy and practice' at King's College London, Guy's Campus. UK, 2014.
"Attended to SESYNC’s 2014 Computational Summer Institute (CSI) In National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) Faculty and University of Maryland . USA, 2014.
Bio-conservation of tropical dry forest ecosystems with focus on Mona Island Puerto Rico." Puerto Rico, 2014.
"Earth Workshop: Sustainability and Ecopedagogy In UNESCO Chair in Education for Peace. Puerto Rico, 2014.
Natural Hazard and Social Risk Profile of Juana Matos community in Cataño, Puerto Rico." Puerto Rico, 2014.
"Starting a Citizen Science and Volunteer Monitoring In United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at School of Architecture of UPR-RP. Puerto Rico, 2014.
Convergence of human and land uses: Urban development and alterations to the nitrogen cycle." Puerto Rico, 2015.
"Emergency Management Policies Information flows, and Inter-Agency Decision Making." Puerto Rico, 2015.
"EPA Region 2 Equipment Loan Program and Water Quality Monitoring Seminar In Environmental Protection Agency of United States (EPA). City View Plaza Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, 2015.
Exhibition of port systems and the sea level rise in Puerto Rico. Comparative Research between Manzanillo port in Mexico and San Juan port in Puerto Rico." Puerto Rico, 2015.
"Fundamentals of Quantum GIS, Parts I and II, version 2.6. Includes use of GRASS / GIS version 6.4 In Office of Management and Budget: Areas of Technology Government Information Unit, Geographic Information Systems. Puerto Rico, 2015.
Risk Assessment of Juana Matos, Cataño, Puerto Rico." In Fourth Symposium of Students Research, 'Ambientis an Interdisciplinary Journal of the Environment' . Puerto Rico, 2015.
"Sustainability Research Network: Urban Resilience to Climate Change - driven extreme events 2015 - 2018." Puerto Rico, 2015.
"Vulnerability Social Index in response of Climate Change in Dorado, Puerto Rico." Puerto Rico, 2015.