
Found 34 results
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Erazo-Oliveras, A, S Olivero-Lora, and J. Fontanéz. "Market value of food grown in Rio Piedras Watershed residential yards." In My Sustainable Campus - Science for Sustainability: a celebration of knowledge and action. University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, 2014.
Olivero-Lora, S. "Scientific consultant GK-12 Fellow." Puerto Rico, 2014.
Olivero-Lora, S. "Teaching assistant for Principles of Ecology." Puerto Rico, 2014.
Berríos, B., S Olivero-Lora, E. O. Ortiz-Quiles, and Martinez S. Laureano. "Colores para la enseñanza del código genético (Colors for teaching the genetic code)." El Sol Journal 1, no. 56 (2015).
Berríos, B, S Olivero-Lora, EO Ortiz-Quiles, and S Martínez-Laureano. "Colores para la enseñanza del código genético (Colors for teaching the genetic code)." El Sol Journal (Teachers Association of Puerto Rico) 56, no. 1 (2015).
Olivero-Lora, S. "Ecosystem services by urban green infrastructure in residential yards in a tropical city: Integrating information on social drivers, green infrastructure management and ecosystem assessment tools." In 35th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Meeting / 50th Junior Tech Meeting. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2015.
Torres-Camacho, K, E Meléndez-Ackerman, E Díaz, N Correa, CP Vila, S Olivero-Lora, A Erazo-Oliveras, J Fontanéz, LS Santiago, and J Seguinot-Barbosa. "Intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of yard vegetation in urban residential areas: implications for conservation planning." Urban Ecosystems (2015).
Olivero-Lora, S. Local perception of ecosystem services and green infrastructure management in residential zones of the Río Piedras Watershed., 2015.
Ortiz-Quiles, EO, S Martínez-Laureano, S Olivero-Lora, and B Berríos. "Los colores de mi tierra (The colors of my land)." El Sol Journal (Teachers Association of Puerto Rico) 56, no. 1 (2015): 55-60.
Ortiz-Quiles, E. O., S. Martinez-Laureano, S Olivero-Lora, and B. Berríos. "Los colores de mi tierra (The colors of my land)." El Sol Journal (2015): 55-60.
Olivero-Lora, S, and Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman. Perceived Ecosystem Services and Disservices of Residential Green Infrastructure within the Río Piedras Watershed In The 5th World Sustainability Forum. Basel, Switzerland , 2015.
Olivero-Lora, S. Perceived Ecosystem Services and Disservices of Residential Green Infrastructure within the Río Piedras Watershed., 2015.
Olivero-Lora, S. Socio-ecological assessment of ecosystem services by urban green infrastructure in residential yards of a tropical city., 2015.
Meléndez-Ackerman, E, S Olivero-Lora, A Erazo-Oliveras, J Fontanéz, K Torres, Y Hernández, C Vila, E Díaz, N Correa, R Santiago et al. "UPR-IGERT’s Agents of Change Project: Best Practices for Interdisciplinary Work." Acta Científica (2015).
