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Twenty-six key research questions in urban stream ecology: an assessment of the state of the science." Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28, no. 4 (2009): 1080-1098.
"Urban streams in Puerto Rico: understanding stream ecosystems outside the Luquillo forest In All Scientists Meeting, LTER program. Estes Park, CO, 2009.
Water-soluble organic and nitrogen levels in cloud and rainwater in a background marine environment under influence of different air masses." Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry (2009).
"Woody cover characterization and local farmers perception of active pasturelands in the buffer zone of La Sepultura Biosphere Reserve." Mountain Research and Development 29 (2009): 320-327.
"Woody cover characterization and local farmers perception of active pasturelands in the buffer zone of La Sepultura Biosphere Reserve." Mountain Research and Development 29 (2009): 320-327.
" " "
The Development of Science and technology in the Caribbean: Possibilities and Problems." In International Studies Association Meeting, March 1985. Washington, DC: CEER, 1985.
" Commendations CEER Programs., 1983.
Proceedings, UPADI 82, Vol. I., 1983.
Research Solar Ponds: Design and Instrumentation." In 6th Miami International Conferece on Alternative Energy Sources, December 12-14, 1983. Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.A.: CEER, 1983.