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Macroinvertebrados de Agua Dulce de Costa Rica I." Biología Tropical 58, no. 4 (2010).
"Macroinvertebrados de Agua Dulce de Costa Rica I." Biología Tropical 58, no. 4 (2010).
"Macroinvertebrados de Agua Dulce de Costa Rica I." Revista de Biologia Tropical 58, no. 4 (2010).
"Nitrogen fixation of epiphytic plants enwrapping trees in Ailao Mountain cloud forests, Yunnan, China." Protoplazma 247 (2010): 103-110.
"Overview of the Physical and Radiative Properties of Atmospheric Particles at Cape San Juan, Puerto Rico (CPR station) In NOAA ESRL Annual Conference. Boulder, Colorado, 2010.
Plant responses to simulated hurricane impacts in a subtropical wet forest, Puerto Rico." Journal of Ecology 98 (2010): 659-673.
"The Size-Resolved Carbonaceous Fraction of African Dust Particle over the Caribbean In 30 Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, 2010.
Soil microbial community composition under Eucalyptus plantations of different age in subtropical China." European Journal of Soil Biology 46 (2010): 128-135.
"Sources and Properties of Amazonian Aerosol Particles." Rev. Geophys. 48 (2010).
"Sources and Properties of Amazonian Aerosol Particles." Rev. Geophys. 48 (2010).
"Sources and Properties of Amazonian Aerosol Particles." Rev. Geophys. 48 (2010).
"Storage, retention and transformations of phosphorus in a lowland neotropical stream during an 8-year phosphorus enrichment experiment In North American Benthological Society. Vol. 58th Annual Meeting. New Mexico, 2010.
Trait similarity, shared ancestry and the structure of neighbourhood interactions in a subtropical wet forest: implications for community assembly." ECOLOGY LETTERS 13, no. 12 (2010): 1503-1514.
"Uneven access and uderutilization of ecological amenities in urban parks of the Rio Piedras Watershed." Ecology and Society 19, no. 1 (2010).
"Uneven access and uderutilization of ecological amenities in urban parks of the Rio Piedras Watershed." Ecology and Society 19, no. 1 (2010).
"African Dust and Other Aerosols as Sources of Ice Nuclei in the Eastern Caribbean Region In First International Workshop on the Long-Range Transport and Impacts of African Dust on the Americas. San Juan, PR, 2011.
African Dust and Other Aerosols as Sources of Ice Nuclei in the Eastern Caribbean Region In First International Workshop on the Long-Range Transport and Impacts of African Dust on the Americas. San Juan, PR, 2011.
African Dust and Other Aerosols as Sources of Ice Nuclei in the Eastern Caribbean Region In First International Workshop on the Long-Range Transport and Impacts of African Dust on the Americas. San Juan, PR, 2011.
The Carbonaceous Fraction of Atmospheric Aerosols in the Caribbean Region In 10th ICCPA Conference. Vienna, Austria, 2011.
The Carbonaceous Fraction of Atmospheric Aerosols in the Caribbean Region In 31st Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM), 46th ACS Junior Technical Meeting. Bayamón, Puerto Rico, 2011.