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La colección del Herbario USCG." Ciencia y Conservación 2 (2012): 30-41.
"La colección del Herbario USCG." Ciencia y Conservación 2 (2012): 30-41.
"La colección del Herbario USCG." Ciencia y Conservación 2 (2012): 30-41.
"La colección del Herbario USCG." Ciencia y Conservación 2 (2012): 30-41.
"Macroinvertebrados dulceacuícolas de la Isla del Coco, Costa Rica: especies y comparación con otras islas del Pacífico Tropical Oriental." Biología Tropical 61, no. 2 (2012): 657-668.
"Macroinvertebrados dulceacuícolas de la Isla del Coco, Costa Rica: especies y comparación con otras islas del Pacífico Tropical Oriental." Revista de Biología Tropical 61, no. 2 (2012): 657-668.
"Macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages in a tropical urban watershed, Puerto Rico In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Louisville, KY, 2012.
Mass spectrometric analysis of cloud residuals in tropical trade wind cumuli at Pico Este, Puerto Rico, during PRADACS 2011 In European Aerosol Conference. Granada, Spain, 2012.
Mayfly diets on montane cloud forest streams in Mexico In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Louisville, KY, 2012.
A mechanistic understanding of calcification in corals In WHOI climate group meeting. Woods Hole, MA, 2012.
A mechanistic understanding of calcification in corals In WHOI climate group meeting. Woods Hole, MA, 2012.
New record of Cybocephalus kathrynae (Coleoptera: Cybocephalidae) on Mona Island, Puerto Rico." Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 56 (2012): 119-121.
"Organic matter dynamics in tropical island streams: allochthonous inputs, particulate exports and benthic standing stocks In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Louisville, KY, 2012.
Organic matter dynamics in tropical island streams: allochthonous inputs, particulate exports and benthic standing stocks In Society for Freshwater Sciences annual meeting. Louisville, KY, 2012.
An Overview of the Puerto Rico African Dust and Clouds Study (PRADACS) – Aerosol and Cloud Measurements at a Caribbean Tropical Montance Cloud Forest In International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Conference. Beijing, China, 2012.
Physico-chemical characterization of cloud drop residues and interstitial particles observed inside trade wind cumuli during the Puerto Rican African Dust And Cloud Study (PRADACS) In 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU. San Francisco, Calif, 2012.
Plant community dynamics of a tropical semi-arid system following experimental removals of an exotic grass." Applied Vegetation Science (2012).
"¿Qué tan estables son los ensamblajes de macroinvertebrados de las quebradas tropicales? In Primer Congreso Latino Americano de Macroinvertebrados Acuáticos. San José, Costa Rica, 2012.
Rainfall-driven amplification of seasonal acidification in poorly buffered tropical streams." Ecosystems 15 (2012): 974-985.
"Rainfall-driven amplification of seasonal acidification in poorly buffered tropical streams." Ecosystems 15 (2012): 974-985.