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Improving Slow Sand Filters for Communities with Low Incomes and Limited Water In 31th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM), 46th ACS Junior Technical Meeting. Bayamón, Puerto Rico, 2011.
Improving slow sand filters for communities with low incomes and limited water access." Opflow 38 (2011): 24-27.
"The neotropical damselfly genus Cora: New larval descriptions and a comparative analysis of larvae of known species (Odonata: Polythoridae)." International Journal of Odonatology 14, no. 3 (2011): 249-256.
"The neotropical damselfly genus Cora: New larval descriptions and a comparative analysis of larvae of known species (Odonata: Polythoridae)." International Journal of Odonatology 14, no. 3 (2011): 249-256.
"Nitrogen-enriched food webs in tropical urban streams, Puerto Rico In American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2011.
Potential direct and indirect effects of omnivorous shrimps on mayfly naiads in tropical island streams: a laboratory study In North American Benthological Society meeting. Providence, RI, 2011.
Reproductive phenology of the Caribbean cactus Harrisia portoricensis: rainfall and temperature associations." Botany 89 (2011): 861-871.
"Speciation of water-soluble inorganic, organic and total nitrogen in a background marine environment: cloud water, rainwater and aerosol particles." Geophys. Res. 116 (2011).
"Speciation of water-soluble inorganic, organic and total nitrogen in a background marine environment: cloud water, rainwater and aerosol particles." Geophys. Res. 116 (2011).
"Temporal variation in benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in two tropical headwater streams in Costa Rica In North American Benthological Society meeting. Providence, RI, 2011.
The use of a stream visual assessment protocol to determine ecosystem integrity in an urban watershed in Puerto Rico." Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 36, no. 12 (2011): 560-566.
"The use of a stream visual assessment protocol to determine ecosystem integrity in an urban watershed in Puerto Rico." Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 36, no. 12 (2011): 560-566.
"Variability of Aerosol’s Optical, Physical and Chemical Properties of Marine, African Dust and Volcanic Ash Air Masses in the Eastern Caribbean In 31st Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM), 46th ACS Junior Technical Meeting. Bayamón, Puerto Rico, 2011.
Vegetation community dynamics of a tropical semi-arid system following experimental removals of an exotic grass In Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America., 2011.
Wind-facilitated pollination in Harrisia portorriscensis (cactaceae): A mechanism of reproductive assurance." International Journal of reproductive Biology 3 (2011): 1-5.
"Aerosol Optical Thickness in the Presence and Absence of African Dust using AERONET and Microtops II Sunphotometers In Puerto Rico Louis Stokes’ AMP Junior Technical Meeting. University of Puerto Rico, Carolina, PR, 2012.
Aerosol Optical Thickness in the Presence and Absence of African Dust using AERONET and Microtops II Sunphotometers In Puerto Rico Louis Stokes’ AMP Junior Technical Meeting. University of Puerto Rico, Carolina, PR, 2012.
Alta similitud interespecífica en larvas de Odonata: el caso de Cora (Polythoridae) y Heteragrion (Megapodagrionidae) In Primer Congreso Latino Americano de Macroinvertebrados Acuáticos. San José, Costa Rica, 2012.
Composición y estructura de los ensamblajes de macroinvertebrados de una cuenca tropical urbana en Puerto Rico In Primer Congreso Latino Americano de Macroinvertebrados Acuáticos. San José, Costa Rica, 2012.
Contaminants of emerging concern in the San Juan Bay Estuary System In NJ Region 2 EPA Lab. New Jersey, 2012.