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Water quality in the San Juan Bay Estuary from 2011 to 2015 In Simposio de investigación de verano: El Verde REU y PRCEN. Rio Piedras: UPR, 2015.
Relación entre parámetros físicos, químicos y biológicos de la Laguna Grande en Fajardo, luego de un evento de concentración alta de sargazo. UPRRP, San Juan Puerto Rico, 2016.
Changes in the Planktonic Composition of Laguna Grande, Puerto Rico, Following the 2015 Sargassum sp. Bloom In Proceedings of the TOS/ASLO/AGU 2017 Ocean Sciences Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii, 2017.
10-year assessment of ungulates exclusion in the dry forest of Mona Island: understory vegetation responses." Caribbean Naturalist (In Press).
"Associations between Soil Variables and Vegetation Structure and Composition of Caribbean Dry Forests." Caribbean Naturalist (In Press).
"Comparison of QuEChERS and Soxhlet Methods for Extraction of Contaminants (presented by V. Santiago) In Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM. Washington, D.C., In Press.
Comparison of QuEChERS and Soxhlet Methods for Extraction of Contaminants (presented by V. Santiago) In Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM. Washington, D.C., In Press.
The green areas of San Juan." Ecology and Society (In Press).
"Heat episodes registered in Puerto Rico during the summer of 2012." Ecology and Society (In Press).
"How are landscape complexity and vegetation structure related across an agricultural frontier in the subtropical Chaco, NW Argentina?" Journal of Arid Environments (In Press).