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Revisiting the population status of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum in northern Puerto Rico." Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 95, no. 05 (2015): 1017-1024.
"Seed Dispersal Turns an Experimental Plantation on Degraded Land into a Novel Forest in Urban Northern Puerto Rico." Forest ecology and Management 357 (2015): 68-75.
"Seed Dispersal Turns an Experimental Plantation on Degraded Land into a Novel Forest in Urban Northern Puerto Rico." Forest ecology and Management 357 (2015): 68-75.
"Seed Dispersal Turns an Experimental Plantation on Degraded Land into a Novel Forest in Urban Northern Puerto Rico." Forest ecology and Management 357 (2015): 68-75.
"Sensors, Collection & Advance Data Processing with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) In CIAPR 2015 Expo & Convention. Rio Mar Hotel, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, 2015.
Sensors, Collection & Advance Data Processing with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) In CIAPR. Ponce, Puerto Rico, 2015.
Sensors, Collection & Advance Data Processing with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) In CIAPR. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2015.
Size distribution and optical properties of long-range transported African dust In General Assembly, EGU. Vienna, Austria, 2015.
Size distribution and optical properties of long-range transported African dust In General Assembly, EGU. Vienna, Austria, 2015.
"A study of Black Carbon concentrations over Puerto Rico In Latin American and Caribbean Aerosol Measurements School: from measurements technologies to applications. La Paz, Bolivia, 2015.
A study of Black Carbon concentrations over Puerto Rico In Latin American and Caribbean Aerosol Measurements School: from measurements technologies to applications. La Paz, Bolivia, 2015.
A study of equivalent black carbon concentrations over Puerto Rico using a light transmission method In 35th Puerto Rico Intedisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM), 50th Junior Technical Meeting. Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico-RP, 2015.
Understanding the effect of African dust particles on cloud chemistry and microphysics in a tropical montane cloud forest in the Caribbean In Latin American and Caribbean Aerosol Measurements School: From measurements technologies to applications. La Paz, Bolivia, 2015.
Understanding the effect of African dust particles on cloud chemistry and microphysics in a tropical montane cloud forest in the Caribbean In Latin American and Caribbean Aerosol Measurements School: From measurements technologies to applications. La Paz, Bolivia, 2015.
UPR-IGERT’s Agents of Change Project: Best Practices for Interdisciplinary Work." Acta Científica (2015).
"USGBC Caribbean Chapter. Instructor,Training Courses I & II." Puerto Rico, 2015.
" "African dust impact on the size distribution of aerosols in the Caribbean: Observations from Atmospheric Observatory in Cabezas de San Juan, Puerto Rico In 6th Symposium on Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions, 94th Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society. Atlanta, Georgia, 2014.
Breeding system and pollination of Gesneria pauciflora a threatened caribbean species: Brief island reproductive syndrome analysis in Gesneriaceae species In XXIX Symposium of Flora and Fauna from the Caribbean., 2014.