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Effects of Exotic Grass on Native Biota In Seminar series at the El Verde Field Station. Rio Grande PR, 2011.
Effects of Exotic Grass on Native Biota in Mona Island Reserve. Universidad Interamericana de Bayamon. Bayamon PR, 2011.
Evaluation of the carbon content of aerosols from the burning of biomass in the Brazilian Amazon using thermal, optical and thermal-optical analysis methods." Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11 (2011): 4425-4444.
"Evaluation of the carbon content of aerosols from the burning of biomass in the Brazilian Amazon using thermal, optical and thermal-optical analysis methods." Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11 (2011): 4425-4444.
"Experimentos de exclusión de exóticos en condiciones de alta heterogeneidad espacial: ejemplos de la Isla Reserva de Mona, Puerto Rico In Taller de restauración ecológica: de lo exótico a lo nativo auspiciado por el Centro de Estudios Conservacionistas (CECON). Ciudad Guatemala, Guatemala, 2011.
A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but may reduce carbon sequestration." Ecology Letters 14 (2011): 289-294.
"A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but may reduce carbon sequestration." Ecology Letters 14 (2011): 289-294.
"A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but may reduce carbon sequestration." Ecology Letters 14 (2011): 289-294.
"A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but may reduce carbon sequestration." Ecology Letters 14 (2011): 289-294.
"A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but may reduce carbon sequestration." Ecology Letters 14 (2011): 289-294.
"A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but may reduce carbon sequestration." Ecology Letters 14 (2011): 289-294.
"A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but may reduce carbon sequestration." Ecology Letters 14 (2011): 289-294.
"A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but may reduce carbon sequestration." Ecology Letters 14 (2011): 289-294.
"Global patterns of distribution in stream detritivores: implications for biodiversity loss in changing climates." Global Ecology and Biogeography 21, no. 2 (2011): 134-141.
"Global patterns of distribution in stream detritivores: implications for biodiversity loss in changing climates." Global Ecology and Biogeography 21, no. 2 (2011): 134-141.
"Global patterns of distribution in stream detritivores: implications for biodiversity loss in changing climates." Global Ecology and Biogeography 21, no. 2 (2011): 134-141.
"Habitat and Biodiversity Mapping for the Determination of Algal Biomass Aquaculture Sites in the Coastal Areas of Puerto Rico In La novena reunión nacional de Percepción Remota y Sistemas de Información Geográfica (PRYSIG). University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus, Puerto Rico: COHEMIS, 2011.
Impact of African Dust Events in the Chemical Composition of Cloud Water Sampled at Pico Este, Puerto Rico In First International Workshop on the Long-Range Transport and Impacts of African Dust on the Americas. San Juan, PR, 2011.
The Impact of Transport on the Physico-Chemical Properties of Caribbean Aerosols during RICO: African Dust and Pollution from North America In African dust workshop for teachers. UPR-M, Parguera: NASA & Hampton University, 2011.
Impacts of Atmospheric Particles from different sources in the Guánica’s Dry Forest: Inorganic and Organic Fraction In 31st Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM), 46th ACS Junior Technical Meeting. Bayamón, Puerto Rico, 2011.