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Aerosol Collected at a Tropical Marine Environment: Size-Resolved Chemical Composition Using IC, TOC, and Thermal-Optical Analyses In AGU 2009 Joint Assembly. Toronto, Canada, 2009.
Aerosol Collected at a Tropical Marine Environment: Size-Resolved Chemical Composition Using IC, TOC, and Thermal-Optical Analyses In AGU 2009 Joint Assembly. Toronto, Canada, 2009.
Aerosols and Climate in Tropical Regions: Carbonaceous Aerosols from Biomass Burning in the Brazilian Amazon In Carbon Cycling and Climate Change Symposium. Poland: University of Warsaw, 2009.
Aerosols collected at a tropical marine environment: Size-resolved chemical composition using IC, TOC, and thermal-optical analyses In 29th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). University of Puerto Rico-RP, PR, 2009.
Aerosols collected at a tropical marine environment: Size-resolved chemical composition using IC, TOC, and thermal-optical analyses In 29th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). University of Puerto Rico-RP, PR, 2009.
Arthropod diversity in caves with moderate and high anthropogenic presence In CATEC Symposium. San Juan, PR, 2009.
Atmospheric Aerosols in the Guánica Dry Forest In 29th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). University of Puerto Rico-RP, PR, 2009.
Atmospheric Aerosols in the Guánica Dry Forest In 29th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). University of Puerto Rico-RP, PR, 2009.
Atmospheric Aerosols in the Guánica Dry Forest In AGU 2009 Joint Assembly. Toronto, Canada, 2009.
Atmospheric Aerosols in the Guánica Dry Forest In AGU 2009 Joint Assembly. Toronto, Canada, 2009.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols: Experiences of an Atmospheric Scientist In PRLSAMP Meeting. San Juan, PR: UPR-RP, 2009.