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Wind-facilitated pollination in Harrisia portorriscensis (cactaceae): A mechanism of reproductive assurance." International Journal of reproductive Biology 3 (2011): 1-5.
"Effect of invasive grass, Megathyrsus maximus, on Soil and Plant Communities of Mona Island Reserve In Life Sciences at the 30th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, 2010.
Estudiando Ecologia Tropical y Ciencias Ambientales en la Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Rio Piedras In Presentacion a delegación de estudiantes de Haiti. UPR Rio Piedras, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, 2010.
Investigación en las ciencias relacionadas al ambiente y botánica en PR: Plataforma de integración de materias y elemento atractivo en la enseñanza en nuestras escuelas In Jornadas para maestros de Ciencias nivel elemental – Tema: La Ciencia en la Educación. Centro de Convenciones de Puerto Rico San Juan PR, 2010.
Leyes Ambientales de Puerto Rico In Grupo 4to Grado. Escuela Antonio S Pedreira, 2010.
Uneven access and uderutilization of ecological amenities in urban parks of the Rio Piedras Watershed." Ecology and Society 19, no. 1 (2010).
"Unexpected generalized pollination system in a tropical island herb, Heliconia caribaea In 95th ESA Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2010.
Variation in Native and Cactaceae Seeds in the Soil as a Function of an Invasive Exotic Grass in Mona Island Reserve In Life Sciences at the 30th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, 2010.
Variation in Native, and Cactaceae Seeds in the Soil as a Function of an Invasive Exotic Grass in Mona Island Reserve In Invasive Species at the 95th ESA Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2010.
Arthropod diversity in caves with moderate and high anthropogenic presence In CATEC Symposium. San Juan, PR, 2009.
Avances sobre la historia natural de Harrisia portoricensis." Boletín de la Sociedad Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Cactáceas y otras Suculentas 6 (2009): 27-29.
"Breeding System of Guaiacum sanctum In CATEC Symposium. San Juan, PR, 2009.
Breeding System of Guaiacum sanctum In CATEC Symposium. San Juan, PR, 2009.
Creación de una comunidad de investigadores entre estudiantes del nivel elemental y futuros maestros de ciencia para el estudio de una especie exótica en ecosistema acuático de PR In Xmo Congreso Puertorriqueño de Educación., 2009.
The effect of climatic change on the subpopulations dynamic of Lepanthes rupestris STIMSON, (Orchidaceae) In Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, NM, 2009.
Effects of climate change on Lepanthes rupestris In CATEC Symposium. San Juan, PR, 2009.
Effects of climate change on Lephanthes rupestris In AAA’s PR Chapter., 2009.
Evaluation of potential demographic differences in the subpopulations of the Mona island iguana Cyclura cornuta stejnegeri across different forest types in Mona island, Puerto Rico In CATEC Symposium. San Juan, PR, 2009.
Factors affecting seed germination and seedling establishment of Harrisia portoricensis (Cactaceae) in Mona Island In CATEC Symposium. San Juan, PR, 2009.
Flower visitors of Mammilaria nivosa in Mona Island In Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting. San Juan PR, 2009.