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Physical and Radiative Properties of Aerosol Particles across the Caribbean Basin: A Comparison between the Clean and Perturbed African Dust and volcanic Volcanic Ash Air Masses In SERMACS. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2009.
Physical and Radiative Properties of Aerosol Particles across the Caribbean Basin: A Comparison between Clean and Perturbed African Dust and Volcanic Ash Air Masses In Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet., 2009.
Size-Resolved Chemical Composition of African Dust Particles over the Caribbean: Focusing in the Carbonaceous Fraction In 29th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). University of Puerto Rico-RP, PR, 2009.
Water-soluble organic and nitrogen levels in cloud and rainwater in a background marine environment under influence of different air masses." Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry (2009).