
Found 6 results
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Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is M and Author is Martinez, N.  [Clear All Filters]
Martinez, N., and L. Roberson. Effect of temperature and salinity on photosynthesis in the coral Porites astreoides (presented by N. Martinez) In Caribbean Regional Association for Coastal Ocean Observing General Assembly. San Juan, PR: Club Náutico de San Juan, 2014.
Martinez, N., and L. Roberson. Effect of temperature and salinity on photosynthesis in the coral Porites astreoides In 2014 PRCEN Annual Retreat. San Juan, PR: Hotel El Convento, 2014.
Martinez, N., and L. Roberson. Effect of temperature and salinity on photosynthesis in the coral Porites astreoides In Simposio de Investigación Estudiantil Ambientis. Gurabo, PR: University of Turabo, 2014.