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Nitrogen fixation of epiphytic plants enwrapping trees in Ailao Mountain cloud forests, Yunnan, China." Protoplazma 247 (2010): 103-110.
"Plant responses to simulated hurricane impacts in a subtropical wet forest, Puerto Rico." Journal of Ecology 98 (2010): 659-673.
"Plant responses to simulated hurricane impacts in a subtropical wet forest, Puerto Rico." Journal of Ecology 98 (2010): 659-673.
"Sources and Properties of Amazonian Aerosol Particles." Rev. Geophys. 48 (2010).
"Creación de una comunidad de investigadores entre estudiantes del nivel elemental y futuros maestros de ciencia para el estudio de una especie exótica en ecosistema acuático de PR In Xmo Congreso Puertorriqueño de Educación., 2009.
Twenty-six key research questions in urban stream ecology: an assessment of the state of the science." Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28, no. 4 (2009): 1080-1098.
"The Rain Forest Project: Annual Report FY-65. PRNC, 1965.
The Rain Forest Project: Annual Report FY-65. PRNC, 1965.
The Rain Forest Project: Annual Report FY-65. PRNC, 1965.