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Mentor for Sylvette Mallorking." Puerto Rico, 2015.
" " Graduate Student Workshop: “Current Issues in Statistical Ecology" In University of Tennessee-Knoxville – NiMBioS (National Institute of Mathematical Biology and Statistics). USA, 2014.
Mentor for Katherine Walston." Puerto Rico, 2014.
" Seven-year responses of trees to experimental hurricane effects in a tropical rainforest, Puerto Rico." FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 332 (2014): 64-74.
"Seven-year responses to experimental hurricane effects in a tropical rainforest, Puerto Rico." Forest Ecology and Management (2014).
"Using PC-ORD to analyze Multivariate Community Ecology Data In Instructor – Dr. Jerilyn Peck (Penn State University) USFS Southern Research Station – Knoxville. USA, 2014.
" " "
Research Technician." Puerto Rico, 2012.
"Research Technician NEON (National Ecological Observation Network) vegetation monitoring site." Guanica, Puerto Rico, 2012.
"Research Assistant Data Collector & 2011 Tree Census." Puerto Rico, 2011.