
Found 143 results
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Valle-Diaz, C. J., E Torres-Delgado, F. Zurcher, A. Gioda, T. Lee, J. L. Collett, P J. DeMott, G. McMeeking, T. C. Hill, G. Frank et al. The Puerto Rico African Dust and Clouds Study (PRADACS) – Aerosol and Cloud Measurements at a Caribbean Tropical Montance Cloud Forest In International Conference of Clouds and Precipitation. Leipzig, Germany, 2012.
Valle-Diaz, C. J., E Torres-Delgado, F. Zurcher, A. Gioda, T. Lee, J. L. Collett, P J. DeMott, G. McMeeking, T. C. Hill, G. Frank et al. The Puerto Rico African Dust and Clouds Study (PRADACS) – Aerosol and Cloud Measurements at a Caribbean Tropical Montance Cloud Forest In International Conference of Clouds and Precipitation. Leipzig, Germany, 2012.
Valle-Diaz, C. J., E Torres-Delgado, F. Zurcher, T. Lee, J. L. Collett, E. Fitzgerald, K. A. Prather, and O. L. Mayol-Bracero. The Puerto Rico African Dust and Clouds Study (PRADACS): Chemical Composition of Cloud Water and Rain Water at Pico del Este Tropical Montane Cloud Forest In Puerto Rico Louis Stokes’ AMP Junior Technical Meeting. University of Puerto Rico, Carolina, PR, 2012.
Brokaw, N., J K. Zimmerman, G. Camilo, A. Covich, T. Crowl, N. Fetcher, M. Gannon, B. Haines, D J. Lodge, A. Lugo et al. "Response to disturbance." In A Caribbean Forest Tapestry: The Multidimensional Nature of Disturbance and Response. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Torres-Delgado, E, C. J. Valle-Diaz, F. Zurcher, T. Lee, J. L. Collett, E. Fitzgerald, L.A. Cuadra-Rodríguez, K.A. Prather, and O. L. Mayol-Bracero. Size-resolved Chemical Composition of Cloud and Rain Water Collected during the Puerto Rico African Dust and Clouds Study (PRADACS) Campaign In Puerto Rico Louis Stokes’ AMP Junior Technical Meeting. University of Puerto Rico, Carolina, PR, 2012.
Williams, M. W., R. B. Waide, E. H. Stanley, J. C. Moore, A. D. McGuire, S. K. Hamilton, C. Gries, T. L. Gragson, H. W. Ducklow, N. Brokaw et al. "Strategic role of the Long-term Ecological Research Network in ecological and environmental science and education." BioScience 62 (2012): 342-353.
Quiñones-Rosado, M., O. L. Mayol-Bracero, P. Vallejo, E. Andrews, J. A. Ogren, K. Desboeufs, and P. Formenti. African dust impact on the size distribution of aerosols in the Caribbean: Observations from Atmospheric Observatory in Cabezas de San Juan, Puerto Rico In 33rd PUERTO RICO INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC MEETING 48th JUNIOR TECHNICAL MEETING. Universidad del Turabo, Gurabo, PR, 2013.
Vallejo, P., O. L. Mayol-Bracero, M. Quiñones, I. Gutiérrez, E. Andrews, J. A. Ogren, S. Chevaillier, C. Di Biagio, K. Desboeufs, and P. Formenti. African dust in the Caribbean: chemical, physical and optical properties of transported African dust across the Atlantic: observations from Atmospheric Observatory in Cabezas de San Juan, Puerto Rico In 33rd PUERTO RICO INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC MEETING 48th JUNIOR TECHNICAL MEETING. Universidad del Turabo, Gurabo, PR, 2013.
Garcia-Cancel, J. G., Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman, P.O. Arenas, A. Merced, N. P. Flores, and R.L. Tremblay. "Associations between Lepanthes rupestris Orchids and Bryophyte Presence in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico." Caribbean Naturalist 4 (2013): 1-14.
Fidalgo-DeSouza, LL, and JF Bauzá-Ortega. "Composición de aves acuáticas de la laguna Secreta en la ciénaga las Cucharillas, Cataño. “Waterbirds community composition of Secreta Lagoon in Cataño, Puerto Rico”." Perspectivas en Asuntos Ambientales 2, no. 1 (2013).
Fidalgo-DeSouza, LL. Educar con la Carta de la Tierra In University of Puerto Rico’s UNESCO Chair in Education for Peace workshop (3 hours). Puerto Rico, 2013.
Freire, V., M E. Pérez-Pérez, F. Ramirez, and M. V. Rios. "Hepatic flora of a Guatemalan cloud forest." Tropical Bryology 35 (2013): 1-13.
Freire, V, M E. Pérez-Pérez, F Ramírez, and MV Ríos. "Hepatic flora of a Guatemalan cloud forest." Tropical Bryology 35 (2013): 1-13.
Muscarella, R., M. Uriarte, J. Forero-Montaña, and J K. Zimmerman. "Life-history trade-offs during the seed-to-seedling transition in a subtropical wet forest community." JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 101, no. 1 (2013): 171-182.
Colon-Rivera, R. J., K. Marshall, F J. Soto-Santiago, D. Ortiz-Torres, and C. E. Flower. "Moving forward: fostering the next generation of Earth stewards in the STEM disciplines." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11, no. 7 (2013): 383-391.
Colón-Rivera, RJ, K Marshall, F J. Soto-Santiago, D Ortiz-Torres, and CE Flower. "Moving forward: fostering the next generation of Earth stewards in the STEM disciplines." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11, no. 7 (2013): 383-391.
Fortuné, J., A Forestil, and G. W. Gervais. Nutrient flows and recovery in multistage anaerobic bioreactors fed with Sargassum spp In 48th ACS Junior Technical Meeting & 33rd Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). Universidad del Turabo, Caguas, PR, 2013.
Fortuné, J., A Forestil, and G. W. Gervais. Nutrient flows and recovery in multistage anaerobic bioreactors fed with Sargassum spp In 48th ACS Junior Technical Meeting & 33rd Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). Universidad del Turabo, Caguas, PR, 2013.
Forestil, A. "Nutrients flows and recovery in multistage anaerobic bioreactors feed with the marine macroalgae, Sargassum spp." In 48th ACS Junior Technical Meeting & 33rd Puerto Rico interdisciplinary scientific meeting (PRISM). Caguas, Puerto Rico, 2013.
Forestil, A. The occupational safety and health administration (OSHA) and hazard communication (HazCom) standard certification (29 CFR 1910, 1200). Puerto Rico, 2013.
