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Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is F and Author is Fortuné, J.  [Clear All Filters]
De La Rosa-Acosta, M., D Dieunel, M. Morales-Medina, J. Fortuné, and G.W. Gervais. Comparison of Different Methods to Measure Organic Matter Content in Feedstock and Effluents of a Saline Anaerobic Bioreactor for Biogas Production In annual undergraduate research symposium. Carolina, Puerto Rico: Universidad del Este, 2015.
Fortuné, J., A Forestil, and G.W. Gervais. Nutrient flows and recovery in multistage anaerobic bioreactors fed with Sargassum spp In 50th ACS Junior Technical Meeting & 35th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). PR: University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras campus, 2015.
Gervais, G.W., J. Fortuné, D Dieunel, and A Forestil. Marine Biomass: Biofuel of Choice for the Caribbean? In EcoEco Alternatives. San José, Costa Rica: Sociedad Mesoamericana de Economía Ecológica, 2014.
Fortuné, J., A Forestil, and G. W. Gervais. Nutrient flows and recovery in multistage anaerobic bioreactors fed with Sargassum spp In 48th ACS Junior Technical Meeting & 33rd Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). Universidad del Turabo, Caguas, PR, 2013.