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How do people get their yard plants?" In Iniciativas de Investigación y Actividad Creativa Subgraduada. Hotel Condado Plaza, San Juan, PR: Segundo Encuentro Sub-graduado de Investigación y Creación (SESIC), 2014.
"How do people get their yard plants? Plants sources in a urban environment In 49th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, 34th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting. University of Puerto Rico, Cayey Campus, 2014.
How do people get their years plants?" In 34th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting. University of Puerto Rico, Cayey Campus: 49th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, 2014.
"Market value of food grown in Rio Piedras Watershed residential yards." In My Sustainable Campus - Science for Sustainability: a celebration of knowledge and action. University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, 2014.