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Ardón, M., J.H. Duff, A. Ramírez, G.E. Small, A.P. Jackman, F.J. Triska, and C.M. Pringle. "Experimental acidification of two biogeochemically-distinct neotropical streams: Buffering mechanisms and macroinvertebrate drift." Science of the Total Environment 443 (2013): 267-277.
Nieves, D., X. Pérez, L. Diaz, M. Miller, and L. Roberson. Impact of 1,4 dichloro benzene on the Callinectes sapidus cardiac system In Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM. Washington, D.C., 2013.
Roberson, L., and L. Diaz. Impact of emerging contaminants on marine macroalgae In ASLO Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, 2013.
Vogel, J H., N L. Alvarez-Berríos, Ortiz B. Carrión, O. Oduardo-sierra, Hodson E. de Jaramillo, and T. Zamudio. "La financiación y fungibilidad del Museo de Bioprospección, la Propiedad Intelectual y el Dominio Público." In Biotecnologías e innovación, 283-300., 2013.
Vogel, J H., N L. Alvarez-Berríos, Ortiz B. Carrión, Hodson E. de Jaramillo, and T. Zamudio. "La financiación y fungibilidad del Museo de Bioprospección, la Propiedad Intelectual y el Dominio Público." In Biotecnologías e Innovación: el compromiso social de la ciencia, 283-300., 2013.
Brokaw, N., S. Ward, M. Cortes-Rincon, S. Walling, S. Luzzadder-Beach, C. Doyle, T. Beach, F. Valdez, and J. Pagán. Long-Term Change in the Maya forest: Human-Environment Interactions In Conference on Forest Management. Chetumal, Mexico, 2013.
DeMott, P J., T. C. Hill, M. J. Ruppel, K. A. Prather, D. B. Collins, J. L. Axson, T. Lee, C. Y. Hwang, R. C. Sullivan, G. R. McMeeking et al. Measurements to Fill Knowledge Gaps on Ice Nucleating Particle Sources over Oceans In Fall Meeting, AGU. San Francisco, Calif., 2013.
Pérez, X., L. Diaz, and L. Roberson. Presence and distribution of emerging contaminants in the San Juan Bay Estuary, PR (presented by X. Perez) In Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, 2013.
Weinzierl, B., A. Ansmann, O. Reitebuch, V. Freudenthaler, T. Müller, K. Kandler, D. Althausen, R. Busen, M. Dollner, A. Dörnbrack et al. The Saharan Aerosol Long-range Transport and Aerosol-Cloud-Interaction Experiment SALTRACE 2013 – Overview and Early Results In Fall Meeting, AGU. San Francisco, Calif., 2013.
Weinzierl, B., A. Ansmann, O. Reitebuch, V. Freudenthaler, T. Müller, K. Kandler, D. Althausen, R. Busen, M. Dollner, A. Dörnbrack et al. The Saharan Aerosol Long-range Transport and Aerosol-Cloud-Interaction Experiment SALTRACE 2013 – Overview and Early Results In Fall Meeting, AGU. San Francisco, Calif., 2013.
Chisholm, Ryan A., Helene C. Muller-Landau, Kassim Abdul Rahman, Daniel P. Bebber, Yue Bin, Stephanie A. Bohlman, Norman A. Bourg, Joshua Brinks, Sarayudh Bunyavejchewin, Nathalie Butt et al. "Scale-dependent relationships between tree species richness and ecosystem function in forests." Journal of Ecology 101, no. 5 (2013): 1214-1224.
Chisholm, Ryan A., Helene C. Muller-Landau, Kassim Abdul Rahman, Daniel P. Bebber, Yue Bin, Stephanie A. Bohlman, Norman A. Bourg, Joshua Brinks, Sarayudh Bunyavejchewin, Nathalie Butt et al. "Scale-dependent relationships between tree species richness and ecosystem function in forests." Journal of Ecology 101, no. 5 (2013): 1214-1224.
Chisholm, Ryan A., Helene C. Muller-Landau, Kassim Abdul Rahman, Daniel P. Bebber, Yue Bin, Stephanie A. Bohlman, Norman A. Bourg, Joshua Brinks, Sarayudh Bunyavejchewin, Nathalie Butt et al. "Scale-dependent relationships between tree species richness and ecosystem function in forests." Journal of Ecology 101, no. 5 (2013): 1214-1224.
Jacobs, KR., L Carrubba, and E Díaz. "Working Group 2 Report: Ecology and Biodiversity." In Puerto Rico’s State of the Climate 2010-2013: Assessing Puerto Rico’s Social-Ecological Vulnerabilities in a Changing Climate., 85-250. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico Coastal Zone Management Program, Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, 2013.
M. Martinez, Díaz, O. L. Mayol-Bracero, P J. DeMott, G. R. McMeeking, T. C. Hill, G. D. Frank, A. Danielczok, H. Bingemer, I M. Venero-Velez, J R. Anderson et al. African Dust and Other Aerosols as Sources of Ice Nuclei in the Eastern Caribbean Region In Puerto Rico Louis Stokes’ AMP Junior Technical Meeting. University of Puerto Rico, Carolina, PR, 2012.
M. Martinez, Díaz, O. L. Mayol-Bracero, P J. DeMott, G. R. McMeeking, T. C. Hill, G. D. Frank, A. Danielczok, H. Bingemer, I M. Venero-Velez, J R. Anderson et al. African Dust and Other Aerosols as Sources of Ice Nuclei in the Eastern Caribbean Region In Puerto Rico Louis Stokes’ AMP Junior Technical Meeting. University of Puerto Rico, Carolina, PR, 2012.
Vallejo, P., O. L. Mayol-Bracero, M. Quiñones, I. Gutiérrez, E. Andrews, J. A. Ogren, S. Chevaillier, C. Di Biagio, K. Desboeufs, and P. Formenti. African dust in the Caribbean: chemical, physical and optical properties of transported African dust across the Atlantic: observations from Atmospheric Observatory in Cabezas de San Juan, Puerto Rico In 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU. San Francisco, Calif, 2012.
Vallejo, P., O. L. Mayol-Bracero, M. Quiñones, I. Gutiérrez, E. Andrews, J. A. Ogren, S. Chevaillier, C. Di Biagio, K. Desboeufs, and P. Formenti. African dust in the Caribbean: chemical, physical and optical properties of transported African dust across the Atlantic: observations from Atmospheric Observatory in Cabezas de San Juan, Puerto Rico In 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU. San Francisco, Calif, 2012.
Pöschl, U., V. R. Després, M. O. Andreae, R. Conrad, D. Begerow, P. Artaxo, O. L. Mayol-Bracero, M. P. Fraser, P. A. Solomon, G. Engling et al. "Biogeography in the air: fungal diversity over land and oceans." Biogeosciences 9 (2012): 1125-1136.
Abelleira-Martínez, O., A. E. Lugo, Sastre- I. De Jesús, and M E. Pérez-Pérez. "Bryophyte Species Diversity in Secondary Forest Dominated by the Introduced Species Spathodea campanulata Beauv. in Puerto Rico." Biotropica 44 (2012): 763-770.
