
Found 233 results
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Buchanan, B. Aspects of the Ecology of the Pseudopterogorgia Americana and Pseudopterogorgia Acerosa (MS Thesis)., 1979.
Jobin, WR, A Laracuente, R Mercado, V Quiñones, and RA Brown. Ecology of Biomphalaria Glabrata and Marisa Cornuarietis in Lakes of Puerto Rico., 1979.
Bonnet, JA. Fincas energéticas boricuas., 1979.
Ortabasi, U, and AMcB Block. High Field Gradient Magnetic Separation for Waste Water Purification Application Puerto Rico. CEER, 1979.
Block, Arthur McB., U Ortabasi, and MB Riesco. High Volume, High Blood Wastes: The Magnetic Separations., 1979.
Bonnet, JA. La crisis de energía y sus alternativas: Soluciones a corto plazo y soluciones a largo plazo., 1979.
Block, Arthur McB., and U Ortabasi. Magnetic Filtration Mobile Testing Laboratory: Grant Request to Roche Products Inc. and Technicon Reagents Corporations., 1979.
Rodríguez, N, and Arthur McB. Block. Microbial Succession of Sludge Composting: Grant Requested to United States Environmental Protection Agency., 1979.
Bonnet, JA. Nuevo Survey Taxonómico de los suelos de Puerto Rico y sus aportaciones a la agricultura., 1979.
Bonnet, JA. Opportunities for Technical Cooperation in the Development of Energy Alternatives in the Caribbean Area., 1979.
Brown, RA, WR Jobin, A Laracuente, R Mercado, and V Quiñones. Preliminary Results from A Survey of Water Quality in some Puerto Rican Lakes., 1979.
Beavis, WR, and SM Heckman. A Study of Mercury Concentrations of Fish of the South West Coasts of Puerto Rico., 1979.
Jobin, WR, RG Clements, Arthur McB. Block, P Weil, A García, W Lao, LI Rosa, and FA Santos. Water Hyacinths for the Clarification of Waste Waters and the Production of Energy., 1979.
